Picked up my new camera today....a GF1

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Well, 6 months into the 365. Back to the GF1 again, the weather helps.

You know your having a bad night though when you put a pic into Lightroom and just muck about with the sliders till you get some thing your happy with.

And todays pic, taken on the way home. Promenade was heaving, lots of folks out for walks/sitting outside the pubs drinking.

Good Old Eric.

Hi Robb :)

Quite enjoying dymamic B+W jpeg mode atm


Are you selling your Canon?

Yes I may do, and the GF1.

Grum has 1st dibs on it if I do - although not sure if he just mentioned it in passing.

To be honest, I am kind of torn at the moment. My sisters wedding reception is coming up and I've been asked to do some photos - ideal for the 7D and 580 EXII. But it's not until August and I really am getting twitchy about selling up now.

Spose I could still take pics with the GF1 but would struggle in the low light a little - and not look like the 'official photographer'

But then another 2 months will mean the 7D will be worth even less!
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Thanks Alan not sure if I'd say I wanted dibs but I'm certainly thinking about it. :)

Had a minor celebrity and the BBC filming at my work today....


Anyone know who it is? :)
Thanks Alan not sure if I'd say I wanted dibs but I'm certainly thinking about it. :)

Had a minor celebrity and the BBC filming at my work today....


Anyone know who it is? :)

I know you didn't specify dibs but thought it was only fair you were mentioned as expressing an interest 1st.
Is that Goldie?
GH1 looks good, even though a tad expensive......but then its only money
Cheers Alan. My gf will kill me if I do buy it - I've just been thinking about doing photography a bit more seriously as I have been doing some paid stuff at work. I would look the part better with a 7D ;)

Also not sure if I will be buying any more new lenses for my G1/GF1 - I have all the reasonably priced ones and all the others are way too expensive really. To get something decent at the long and wide ends you have to pay crazy money.

It is indeed Goldie - you get a cookie

Cheers Alan. My gf will kill me if I do buy it - I've just been thinking about doing photography a bit more seriously as I have been doing some paid stuff at work. I would look the part better with a 7D ;)

Also not sure if I will be buying any more new lenses for my G1/GF1 - I have all the reasonably priced ones and all the others are way too expensive really. To get something decent at the long and wide ends you have to pay crazy money.

It is indeed Goldie - you get a cookie


He looks older than I remember
Cheers Alan. My gf will kill me if I do buy it - I've just been thinking about doing photography a bit more seriously as I have been doing some paid stuff at work. I would look the part better with a 7D ;)

Also not sure if I will be buying any more new lenses for my G1/GF1 - I have all the reasonably priced ones and all the others are way too expensive really. To get something decent at the long and wide ends you have to pay crazy money.

It is indeed Goldie - you get a cookie


Thanks for the cookie - Nom Nom Nom

Have you seen the 8mm Fish Eye in M43? going to be about £750 quid I think

Someone better tell Brian - wherever he went :nuts:
Yeah £750 for a bit of a novelty lens seems insane - I suspect the 100-300mm is going to be really expensive too. Wouldn't mind if they were a bit faster.

edit: actually yeah I would :)
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Have been lucky enough to borrow a GH1 off my boss for the weekend....

1. Will I be bothered to go out and take some pics
2. Could this really be the end of the 7D and/or the GF1???
Have been lucky enough to borrow a GH1 off my boss for the weekend....

1. Will I be bothered to go out and take some pics
2. Could this really be the end of the 7D and/or the GF1???

Get out there and take some pics(y)
I am now going through the dilemma of shall I keep the GF1 or sell it? G1 is going assuming I am happy with the GH1.
How can you be unhappy with the GF1 :thinking:

Not unhappy just excess to requirements. Interesting that since I have owned the G1 I have hardly used the GF1. The thing is though the GH1 is big and more SLR like, I will still have a need for some thing small for travel and hill walking etc.
Interesting shots OB, seems the GF1 prefers a wider aperture in Auto.

I have been testing the GH1 today - it's a nice camera, and my conclusion is that; whilst it would make sense to have just 1 camera which falls midway between the GF1 and the 7D...

....the 7D is a proper DSLR with handling to match and the GF1 is a portable powerhouse when coupled to the 20mm. The GH1 seems to do a good job of the various disciplines, but for me can't match the best features of either camera.

So after a lot of thinking, I am going to keep the GF1 + 7D - instead of compromising, losing more money on them and having to go through the rigmarole of selling, buying etc.

I already have the best of both worlds (y)

Glad you are staying with us...(y)

Looking forward to your pics from both cameras.
Forgot about this shot taken earlier in the month with the GF 1 and 20mm...

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