Picked up my new camera today....a GF1

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Took my GF1 along to the 'Rage Factor' gig in Finsbury Park yesterday. Mostly used my Helios 58/2 - didn't really have enough reach but I didn't want to take any bigger/newer/more expensive lenses in case I got them taken off me. Wouldn't have mattered in the end as there was loads of people with no press passes and massive DSLRs and huge lenses.




Pretty hard to manual focus at f2, on a 116mm equivalent lens, in the middle of a crowd that's jumping up and down like mad - but some of them came out ok. :)

Shot in jpeg and used the burst mode quite a bit.
I really like this, did you use flash, if not what metering mode as it looks spot on?

No flash, manually held at 1.8 i think it was. I used Lightroom to bring the colour out of the sky. It was a purply/orange colour but I wanted more of it. Also used a little bit of exposure correction to bring out the castle.

Thanks for the kind comment :)
Snap... sort of


G1 + 14-45mm
Thanks KayJay and Robb - think that one was with the 20mm.

The question is, do I want a DSLR too? Thinking of a second hand 40D or something - mainly because I think the wide and long options are too expensive on M4/3, and for shooting action pics with wireless flashes etc.

Or am I just looking for things to spend money on because I'm getting some inheritance money soon? :)
Thanks KayJay and Robb - think that one was with the 20mm.

The question is, do I want a DSLR too? Thinking of a second hand 40D or something - mainly because I think the wide and long options are too expensive on M4/3, and for shooting action pics with wireless flashes etc.

Or am I just looking for things to spend money on because I'm getting some inheritance money soon? :)

I say that the cost and choice of the M43 system is too limiting and you really do need a dslr to compliment it.

Think of the Sigma 10-20 which costs around 300£ second hand add that to a 2nd hand 40D body at around 400 and that is still far less money and far more flexibility than the 7-14 panny lens

That's what I'm telling myself when i think about my 7D anyway (y)
Thanks KayJay and Robb - think that one was with the 20mm.

The question is, do I want a DSLR too? Thinking of a second hand 40D or something - mainly because I think the wide and long options are too expensive on M4/3, and for shooting action pics with wireless flashes etc.

Or am I just looking for things to spend money on because I'm getting some inheritance money soon? :)

Graham IMO what makes the MFT Panasonic so special is the lack of AA filter which means the camera produces vibrant and sharp images. I am not sure you will get this IQ (without a lot of messing around) with an dSLR. Yes you can take action shots and yes wide angle lenses are cheaper, but the camera is much bigger.

Question is how much are you missing the above?
Thanks folks. Hadn't heard that about the AA filter - just googled it - interesting.

It's hard to say really - I think I will try and borrow an SLR for the day from a place I do some work sometimes and see how I get on with it.
Took some frames over the weekend at a wedding, and all of the shots at ISO 1600 were unusable in real terms due to noise. However, just upgraded to LR3, and the noise reduction in that has rendered them all very cleanly - it's actually quite amazing. This software makes the camera even more usable in my opinion (as I was thinking of getting a D700 again after I saw those shots). Of course, the higher ISO plays a part in reducing dynamic range and sharpness, but not to the extent that most people would notice I'd say.

So, I'd highly recommend that - better than any of the 3rd party NR software in my opinion (and is bloomin fast too).
Any chance of a before and after example? I'm not doing any noise reduction on mine at the mo.

On Luminous Landscape there's a write up on what they say is the best noise reduction package they've used.
Any chance of a before and after example? I'm not doing any noise reduction on mine at the mo.

On Luminous Landscape there's a write up on what they say is the best noise reduction package they've used.

I can't post at the moment, as they were from a wedding and I don't want to post them without the blessing of the folks concerned.

How about you send me a particularly noisy image that you wish wasn't, and I'll post it as a before and after? Should allow you to gauge it.

Incidentally, anyone know whatever happened to the cantankerous (in a nice way) chap who used to frequent this thread - Brian?
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I did think about the wedding shots being a no no but any high ISO noise reduced picture will do as I'm pretty happy with my shots at the moment but I was just interested to see what is possible. If I come across one of mine with objectionable noise I'll let you know, thanks for the offer.

BrianT sometimes posts on the Amateur Photographer forums. IMVHO you need to be careful posting over there as there seems to be an "in crowd" and very poor mods. Several people here on this site used to post over at Amateur Photographer but don't now because of the behaviour there. I posted there for a couple of years but not now.
Interesting shots OB, seems the GF1 prefers a wider aperture in Auto.

I have been testing the GH1 today - it's a nice camera, and my conclusion is that; whilst it would make sense to have just 1 camera which falls midway between the GF1 and the 7D...

....the 7D is a proper DSLR with handling to match and the GF1 is a portable powerhouse when coupled to the 20mm. The GH1 seems to do a good job of the various disciplines, but for me can't match the best features of either camera.

So after a lot of thinking, I am going to keep the GF1 + 7D - instead of compromising, losing more money on them and having to go through the rigmarole of selling, buying etc.

I already have the best of both worlds (y)


Was that taken with the G1?
Good evening one and all ;)

I too am a newcomer to these forums, I've been lurking for a bit though, without an account up till now. Yesterday I sold my Powershot G9, after having a lot of fun and learning just as much for about two and a half years and I feel I am ready for a better camera.

Ofcourse I've given 'proper' DSLRs consideration, but after having hiked in, for instance, Switzerland, I can appreciate keeping my 'kit' light-weight/relatively small in size.. the Powershot G9 did very well in that respect.

Anyway, I just wanted to say 'Hi' as well as express my appreciation for at least this very informative thread on one of the cameras in my list I am considering to get in the very near future.

Keep up the good work and have a nice time-of-day-in-your-timezone ;)
Er.. um.. woops. I must have clicked the 'submit' button twice.

*pours everyone a cup of tea/coffee/their favourite hot drink as compensation c(_)
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Good evening one and all ;)

I too am a newcomer to these forums, I've been lurking for a bit though, without an account up till now. Yesterday I sold my Powershot G9, after having a lot of fun and learning just as much for about two and a half years and I feel I am ready for a better camera.

Ofcourse I've given 'proper' DSLRs consideration, but after having hiked in, for instance, Switzerland, I can appreciate keeping my 'kit' light-weight/relatively small in size.. the Powershot G9 did very well in that respect.

Anyway, I just wanted to say 'Hi' as well as express my appreciation for at least this very informative thread on one of the cameras in my list I am considering to get in the very near future.

Keep up the good work and have a nice time-of-day-in-your-timezone ;)

Hi Neenee

Welcome, what other cameras are on your short-list? What sort of pictures do you like to take?
Good evening bl0at3r,

I'd rather not hijack this thread, but at the moment I'm mainly looking at all the micro four-third cameras out there - G1,GH1,GF1,E-P1,E-PL1,E-P2 I think they are. But since I have no lenses other than some very old Asahi lenses (though one is a nice zoom lens), I'd want to go for something I can start off with. The kind of pictures I take are non-action, but I really like to take macro pictures, so I'd have to look into a macro lens too, but I have done without, it's always been something I'd want to try - I am not sure how the 20mm lens of the GF1 works for close-up shots of bugs, interesting textures, flowers, etc, but I'm gathering more links/articles almost every day on the cameras/lenses I'm looking into.

Basically I take pictures of anything that takes my fancy, people included, but not sports/high-motion.

Here's a link of some of the pictures I have taken with my G9: http://www.dropbox.com/gallery/3396848/1/powershot_g9_samples?h=6b667b

I'm perfectly happy talking more about the GF1 though. I have not finished reading this thead yet (I'm on page 20), so I am not sure if anyone has tried taking close-up pictures of objects yet, but if anyone has samples, I'd appreciate images being shared ;)

Oh, the form-factor of the GF-1 (and other micro four-thirds), is something which is very important to me, or I'd probably have sprung for an entry DSLR already.

PS. I just saw some pictures on this very page taken with the GF1 with a macro setup/lens/kit - very nice :D Thank you for sharing.

Oh, and I have kindof narrowed it down to the GF1, the G1 and similars I'd find too bulky and though the EP2 is very nice, I'm worried about the non-intuitive menu system (though ofcourse firmware might fix that, but that's not a certainty), the lower-rez screen and some other minor things. But then, ISO performance is very good... decisions decisions ;)
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Good evening bl0at3r,

I'd rather not hijack this thread, but at the moment I'm mainly looking at all the micro four-third cameras out there - G1,GH1,GF1,E-P1,E-PL1,E-P2 I think they are. But since I have no lenses other than some very old Asahi lenses (though one is a nice zoom lens), I'd want to go for something I can start off with. The kind of pictures I take are non-action, but I really like to take macro pictures, so I'd have to look into a macro lens too, but I have done without, it's always been something I'd want to try - I am not sure how the 20mm lens of the GF1 works for close-up shots of bugs, interesting textures, flowers, etc, but I'm gathering more links/articles almost every day on the cameras/lenses I'm looking into.

Basically I take pictures of anything that takes my fancy, people included, but not sports/high-motion.

Here's a link of some of the pictures I have taken with my G9: http://www.dropbox.com/gallery/3396848/1/powershot_g9_samples?h=6b667b

I'm perfectly happy talking more about the GF1 though. I have not finished reading this thead yet (I'm on page 20), so I am not sure if anyone has tried taking close-up pictures of objects yet, but if anyone has samples, I'd appreciate images being shared ;)

Oh, the form-factor of the GF-1 (and other micro four-thirds), is something which is very important to me, or I'd probably have sprung for an entry DSLR already.

PS. I just saw some pictures on this very page taken with the GF1 with a macro setup/lens/kit - very nice :D Thank you for sharing.

This thread is up to 80 pages now so you've got plenty of reading (y)

I'm pretty sure that the Raynox macro adapter has been used on the GF1 by some of the other guys on here - it has produced pretty impressive results.

I find the GF1 + 20mm lens to be a superb combo - it is a super sharp lens and with such a large aperture (f1.7) produces lovely bokeh. It has a minimum focusing distance of 20cm.

Here are my GF1+20mm shots on Flickr
Hi neenee - there's some more macro shots of mine here taken with the Raynox DCR 250 clip on Macro adapter - http://www.flickr.com/photos/18244158@N00/sets/72157623994279599/

You can use it on the 20mm lens - think I posted a flower shot somewhere in the thread with that combo.

If focuses pretty close without the Raynox though and has plenty of fine detail. (pic is a bit dark)

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Thanks you two ;) Lovely swan.

ooh.. Butterflies. I really like butterflies. Hmm.. And the noodles as well as the knocker look very nice as well.

Hm.. I think I'm slowly narrowing it down to the EP2 and the GF1. Even though I just read a sobering post in this thread, suggesting the GF1 is 'unfinished', but that does not mean it can't be the camera for me.

I'm already missing having a camera around. I keep looking at things, today after the rain for instance, and thinking 'egh! If I had purchased a new one already, I could have snapped a few shots right there!'.

What I am sure about is that I want either the 17 or 20mm lens to start off with.
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Thanks you two ;) Lovely swan.

ooh.. Butterflies. I really like butterflies. Hmm.. And the noodles as well as the knocker look very nice as well.

Hm.. I think I'm slowly narrowing it down to the EP2 and the GF1. Even though I just read a sobering post in this thread, suggesting the GF1 is 'unfinished', but that does not mean it can't be the camera for me.

I'm already missing having a camera around. I keep looking at things, today after the rain for instance, and thinking 'egh! If I had purchased a new one already, I could have snapped a few shots right there!'.

What I am sure about is that I want either the 17 or 20mm lens to start off with.

The GF1 and the latest Pen are pretty close in terms of spec and image quality and I think you'd be happy with either
Quite a few people seem to have gone for the PEN but with the 20mm Panasonic lens.

Having IBIS and slightly better high ISO performance on the PEN is appealing - but it was the slower AF that put me off. This has apparently been improved with the latest firmware but it's still not quite as good apparently.
Quite a few people seem to have gone for the PEN but with the 20mm Panasonic lens.

Having IBIS and slightly better high ISO performance on the PEN is appealing - but it was the slower AF that put me off. This has apparently been improved with the latest firmware but it's still not quite as good apparently.
Trying to get going again with the GF1. Been having fun with the iPhone camera apps, some are dire others are brilliant.

And the recumbent has been occupying me as well, this more so as it works as a distraction to all the pain and crap. behavioural activation is what my friend who works in Cognitive stuff says(or from a cyclists point of view, its general tinkering.) Been getting the gears sorted, i picked it up with about 16 gears available, its now got 24 :)

This is olde worlde shimano from around 1996 i think, but going strong. Marvel at the cut-away teeth to speed up gear changes.
I am wondering.. I have a 'SMC Pentax-M 80-200mm' lens here. Would it be possible to get this to work with the GF1?

*update* Hm.. I am leaning more and more towards the GF1 w/ 20mm pancake. Prices seem to be slowly increasing in flat, flat Holland, nudging me towards forking it over sooner rather than later. They still seem to be lower than UK (Amazon) prices though.

Just saw the very nice 'Manfrotto 785B' too.. But it might be too big - it might defeat the purpose of the small form-factor of the GF1 and being able to take it with me almost anywhere, if the tri-pod increases the bulk by a lot. Perhaps a bean-bag 'pod' instead.

Oh my.. I just saw I can use the 'Raynox MSN 202 Super Macro' with the GF1. Seems like an affordable Macro option ;)
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Just read someone mentioning 'If you are interested in macro, then the Canon 50mm (100mm equiv) f3.5 macro (with ext tubes) is a good bet, yes you will need an adapter but should be all in for £100.'.. (Richie15), so I will have to look into that too.

Hm.. Yup. Still leaning towards the GF1 but still on the fence while I read at least the rest of this thread (on post #2027 now) ;)
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