Picked up my new camera today....a GF1

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I am aiming to be the same and just enjoy the images i take. There's no right or wrong, just the enjoyment of liking what you take.

Ok i have taken a few pics. I did these resting on the coffee table and on a timer. Fitted was the 20mm f1.7 lens.

Images is straight out the camera:

This is a crop with a little sharpening and PP:
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These are round about 100% or so crops but it varied to make them more or less the same size.

1 - 20D, 50mm f1.4 at f8.
2 - GF1, 20mm f1.7 at f4.
3 - LX2 at f4.5.
4 - Ixus 82 at god knows what settings, it says f4.





The Ixus has made a complete mess of it and even at ISO 100 there is noise, plus the exposure seems to be off.

There's obviously some in camera processing going on in the GF1 and the exposure is a little too punchy, but it's still great with lots of detail.

The LX2 does surprisingly well at ISO 100.

The 20D shades them all IMVHO, but the GF1 is bloody good and the LX2 is by no means shabby at base sensitivity.
The GF1 for detail and over all look wins hands down for me with those images above!!
Just a quick note....

I've just found the Panasonic 45-200mm on Amazon [in stock] for £249. That's the best price I've seen on my travels so I thought I'd let you guys know.
Just a quick note....

I've just found the Panasonic 45-200mm on Amazon [in stock] for £249. That's the best price I've seen on my travels so I thought I'd let you guys know.

Stop it! I've already said that I dont want to start building another system, but that is exceedingly good value.
Haha u bunch of anoraks! Yes, it is well lovely, but you'll get bored of it/it will get superceded well before the cows come home.

Now stop waving your wonga about and do something useful.
I just cancelled my order with Mathers and bought one from Amazon. I spoke to a guy called Jonathan at Mathers today and he said they are having trouble getting supply of these.. Panasonic can't make them fast enough.

45mm Macro and 7-14mm Wide next ....

Haha u bunch of anoraks! Yes, it is well lovely, but you'll get bored of it/it will get superceded well before the cows come home.

Now stop waving your wonga about and do something useful.

I was headed down that route with my Nikon kit, wanting better lenses, more this, more that. The GF1 is going to be with me for some time.... It does what I need and so far has proven to do it well.
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Just a quick note....

I've just found the Panasonic 45-200mm on Amazon [in stock] for £249. That's the best price I've seen on my travels so I thought I'd let you guys know.

Being that the review on Amazon states that the lens is "Considerably heavier than the camera it's designed to work with" (in that case the G1), I'd want to try one on my camera before parting with any cash as there's a good chance of the whole unit being nose-heavy and unbalanced...
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I was headed down that route with my Nikon kit, wanting better lenses, more this, more that. The GF1 is going to be with me for some time.... It does what I need and so far has proven to do it well.

Depends on how creative you are at heart, really. Was reading about the press 'tog Dave Hogan the other day; has been in the thick of it for years, taking pics of celebs left right & centre; some very well known images. Point is, he may well have been in the right place/time (with the right contacts, nudge nudge!) to get some of his greats, but, largely, he's a technically underwhelming tog, and, instead of swanning around with his Canon 1D and a suitcase full of lenses and equipment, he would've found it just as easy, and probably more effortless, to have had a GF1 kit for the last 25 years.... coz it'd no doubt suit him down to the ground.
Depends on how creative you are at heart, really. Was reading about the press 'tog Dave Hogan the other day; has been in the thick of it for years, taking pics of celebs left right & centre; some very well known images. Point is, he may well have been in the right place/time (with the right contacts, nudge nudge!) to get some of his greats, but, largely, he's a technically underwhelming tog, and, instead of swanning around with his Canon 1D and a suitcase full of lenses and equipment, he would've found it just as easy, and probably more effortless, to have had a GF1 kit for the last 25 years.... coz it'd no doubt suit him down to the ground.

Bang on the nose... "horses for courses"

Being that the review on Amazon states that the lens is "Considerably heavier than the camera it's designed to work with" (in that case the G1), I'd want to try one on my camera before parting with any cash as there's a good chance of the whole unit being nose-heavy and unbalanced...

I had a play with this in my local Curry's.. it is heavy in relation to the camera size but then again it's a lot lighter than my Nikkor 18-200mm VR.

In terms of balance I thought it felt okay on the GF1 body. Although I think it would be difficult to handle it if you're using the LCD screen to frame.
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Bang on the nose... "horses for courses"

Totally ginge; my whole point! Was just thinking it was getting a bit too evangelical around here for me liking! :LOL:
Was just thinking it was getting a bit too evangelical around here for me liking!

Amen to that!
I think there is a lot of buzz around the GF1 as it's opening up a new path for the future of camera kit. Whilst I think it's a great camera I know it won't be for everyone....

I take pictures for fun to post on flickr and share at camera club so it suits me to the ground...

Now where do I get one of these ... :nikon: ... with I Love My GF1?

I think there is a lot of buzz around the GF1 as it's opening up a new path for the future of camera kit. Whilst I think it's a great camera I know it won't be for everyone....

I take pictures for fun to post on flickr and share at camera club so it suits me to the ground...

Now where do I get one of these ... :nikon: ... with I Love My GF1?


[S2]I have seen the light GF1[/S2] :LOL:
here's a quick question, any one any idea what the GF1 will be like regards Infra-Red photography?
Just wondering about an IR filter for next summer(wish full thinking about sun)
here's a quick question, any one any idea what the GF1 will be like regards Infra-Red photography?
Just wondering about an IR filter for next summer(wish full thinking about sun)

I'll give it a try later and report back if i get chance :)
Nice looking device - some cracking pics too!
desperately on the hunt for a shoulder bag for the GF1. Got a Kata rucksack which is great for days out since it can hold all the junk that kids/wife need in the top and the camera in the bottom. But looking for a bag i can use everyday. Need enough room for the GF1 and my buttie box plus other bits and pieces.
Crumpler Pretty boy's seem to fit the bill, just which one?
So far it's the only dedicated lens which hasn't met with a standing ovation. DPReview are not that fussed on it..


Particularly as a portrait lens...

Take that with a pinch of salt - the lens is superb, and has an effective focal length which puts it right in the middle of my preferred focal range for portrait lenses. It's also very small considering, and light as feather imo.
Bloody hell, the subject isolation is great on that!

Is that taken at f/1.7 ???


Really cracking lens!!! I love it. The 14-45 is pretty good also but i wish that was f1.7 also :D
How comparable is it to a DSLR really?

Having a breif shot of it in a camera store is one thing, but using it as much as your own camera, is another.

I love the idea of a compact doing the same job as my 40D and Tam 17-50, but i KNOW how good that combo is....this compact, i don't.
Image quality really. Good in low light? Fast to focus and lock on object.

I know it won't handle the same way. We have a TZ5 already, so can't be THAT much different and having read up a bit about the GF1, it sounds as though the 20mm is the lens to have.
"How comparable is it to a DSLR really?"

See my South Park figures above and decide for yourself.

At lower ISO I'd say that the GF1 is very comparable to my 20D. I've been using mine in aperture priority and manual mode and the speed of operation, exposure and focus, is the equal of a DSLR IMHO. Picture quality is of course subjective but at ISO 100 the images are noise free and well exposed whole ISO 1600 shots show noise but are perfectly acceptable IMHO without noise reduction. ISO 3200 is a bit of a mess but noise reduction and processing will I'm sure make them usable.

What more could you want? Buy one!...:LOL:
Image quality really. Good in low light? Fast to focus and lock on object.

It's a four thirds sensor so image quality is basically better than some DSLRs, the same as others, and worse than the best. I've not tried low light too much, I've a D3 for that, but I'm more than happy with it at ISO400 which is going to be my ISO speed of choice. The AF is fast and locks on well enough as far as I've seen, but the real test will come when I use it in real anger on my forthcomng holiday. I wouldn't use it for sport, but I've got a D300 for that.

The 20mm lens is lovely from what I've seen so far, and ideal for my main intended use of this camera, street work and family snaps. :cool:
Would love one of these for street photography. How's the noise at 800/1600?
In case anyone's not seen the ISO tests at DPR already, Panasonic GF1 review at DPR.

Noise is one of those things that is very hard to meaningfully measure. Sure you can physically measure the amount of the noise, but the quality of noise is a subjective thing that makes it hard to guage a camera's noise until you'e lived with it a while.
Would love one of these for street photography. How's the noise at 800/1600?

As other peope have said, it's really hard to define - as what's acceptable to one, isn't to another.

I would guess the GF1 is similar to the E-P1 (or even G1), so maybe compare on DXOMark?


Not ideal as I'm not fully convinced this is 'The Oracle', but hopefully gives you some idea. So the link implies that the E-P1 is 'similar' to the Nikon D70
I don't trust DXO reports, too often their findings aren't born out by people's real life experience. For a start all measurements are done without a lens so it kind of makes the whole exercise pointless, unless you like shooting without any lenses.
Question in regards to the focal length.

ie. the 20/1.7 lens, is that 20mm in FF terms, or is it 20mm in Canon or Nikon's 1.6/1.5x ? or is it something else?
The field of view on that lens is equivalent to 40mm on a 35mm camera.

2x crop

Question in regards to the focal length.

ie. the 20/1.7 lens, is that 20mm in FF terms, or is it 20mm in Canon or Nikon's 1.6/1.5x ? or is it something else?

All focal lengths are quoted in FF terms, whether APS-C, FF, 4/3rds or whatever. A 20mm lens is a 20mm lens, all that differs is the field of view.
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