Playing with Polaroid

You can call me Sir.
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I was reading an article the other day about this portrait photographer who sometimes used polaroids and then used the negative from the polaroid rinsed off in whatever water he had to hand on location (including rivers) to rinse them off.

I've still not found out what polaroid films give negative or what to do with them but it made me wonder what you could do with polaroids and started experimenting (not cheap at £1+ a shot). I took a picture of the kitchen at settings the light meter recommended 2secs, F8, ISO100 and let it developed for two minutes guessing my kitchen was about 20 degrees C. I then took a shot at 4 secs and developed it for 1 minute and one at 1sec developed for 4 minutes. In my simple little pea brain I though everything 'should' come out at the same exposure but perhaps with slightly different looks. What happened was the 1 sec shot came out under exposed and the 4 sec shot came out over exposed. Polaroid, just like digital but tangible;)

Anyone else experimented with Polroid films and had more or less success than me?

Keep meaning to, but shelling out £150 for the holder then a couple of quid a shot just to check my exposure is a bit rich for my blood!

Having said that, I keep getting more and more tempted by Fuji Quickloads though, and it's the same holder!
Hi Kev polarioid 665 is the only polaroid neg I can remember.
I use fuji Fp 100b black and white i stick exposed film in armpit wait 1 minute and its always worked for me . ( could be my deodarent)
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