Please recommend a cheap Sony FF mirrorless walkaround lens...

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Earlier this year I bought a MKI Sony A7 to use with my vintage Minolta lenses.

I like it, It's probably my favourite way to shoot.

But sometimes, it would be nice to be able to go into full auto mode.

Despite owning the Sony, I have no Sony (or third party) lenses designed for it.

And I know next to nothing about what's considered good.

If it was going to be my main camera, I'd save up for something like the 24-70 GMII. But it's not. And it won't be as most of my kit is Canon.

Are there bargains to be had? It would be for holiday-type shooting so doesn't need to be super amazing IQ, but I also don't want to be disappointed.

So something like the kit lenses FE 28-70mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS or the FE 28-60mm f4-5.6 seems about the right zoom range, but they're cheap and cheap normally means not good.

Is there something excellent from the likes of Sigma or Tamron?

Any pointers?



Thanks in advance.
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I've had both the 28-70mm and the 28-60mm with not real complaints over image quality. I think they're actually good lenses for kit lenses and good for day out and holiday use :D

I'm pretty much a prime rather than zoom guy, AF wise and prime wise the Sony 28mm f2 is reasonably cheap used.
Earlier this year I bought a MKI Sony A7 to use with my vintage Minolta lenses.

I like it, It's probably my favourite way to shoot.

But sometimes, it would be nice to be able to go into full auto mode.

Despite owning the Sony, I have no Sony (or third party) lenses designed for it.

And I know next to nothing about what's considered good.

If it was going to be my main camera, I'd save up for something like the 24-70 GMII. But it's not. And it won't be as most of my kit is Canon.

Are there bargains to be had? It would be for holiday-type shooting so doesn't need to be super amazing IQ, but I also don't want to be disappointed.

So something like the kit lenses FE 28-70mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS or the FE 28-60mm f4-5.6 seems about the right zoom range, but they're cheap and cheap normally means not good.

Is there something excellent from the likes of Sigma or Tamron?

Any pointers?



Thanks in advance.
It will depend on you expectations but when stopped down the 28-70mm is pretty decent, should me more than acceptable on a the A7's 24mp sensor. I've not used the 28-60mm but reviews say it's pretty decent.

Sigma and Tamron of course do a variety of lenses but without knowing a budget it's hard ot recommend any. Here's a full list of lenses available for Sony FE.

You might also be better asking in the Sony Thread (y)
First AF lens I got for my A7 for general use was the little Samyang 35/2.8.

Cheap, tiny, light and good quality IMO. Is a jacket-pocketable combo (for me) on the A7.

But do you want that? Is size an issue at all? Budget?
In terms of zooms with least compromise, I also have the Samyang 35-150 2-2.8, which if not prime-fast it at least speedy :)

It is a big lump of a lens mind.. I think it's about twice the weight of that Tamron.
In terms of zooms with least compromise, I also have the Samyang 35-150 2-2.8, which if not prime-fast it at least speedy :)

It is a big lump of a lens mind.. I think it's about twice the weight of that Tamron.

I lusted after the Tamron version since they launched but cannot justify it. It’s f/2 and the wide end and doesn’t go up to f/2.8 till quite high up the zoom range from memory.

Would be ideal if this was my main camera. Although, arguably, a little big.

I’m not averse to a prime. But thinking maybe of the 40mm

I’m looking at SH btw.

Used prices for the two kits lenses seem to be <£150.

But I reckon up to £400. Used.
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With all due respect to Bodian I would personally avoid Cotswold Cameras. See other posts on the subject.
Used will get you more bang for your buck but as a new lens this SIgma is well reviewed and much less than a 24-70mm F2.8.
It sepends what you mean by cheap.
I wouldn't call 85mm at f/4.0ish vs 85mm at f/1.8 just a compromise ;)

I assume by compromise he means it can produce pictures that are usable if stopped down a bit. Something which isn't always true of a super zoom, especially over about 50mm.

Worth repeating, a zoom is NEVER a replacement for a prime, but can be a useful lens in it's own right. A lot depends on how you want your pictures to look. If it's just holiday snaps then one of the kit lenses would be ideal - I've had usable pictures from less good lenses in the past. The Sammy 35 f2.8 already mentioned is a tiny, neat prime that weighs very little, and would be a good second lens in a lightweight grab-n-go bag.