Pocketwizard multimax


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Just wondering if anyone has any experience with these?

I am currently using some plus IIs (USA spec FC not EU) but I need a way to trigger 2 remotes independently (preferably from one trigger rather than 2!) and I "think" the multi max may be able to do this, either by staggered start to the second remote or possibly by a seperate button per remote/channel?

Can anyone let me know?

I will need to trigger in quick succession so using the pocketwizard plus iii and just changing channel is not an option
What the reason? Why not shoot a sequence with the trigger firing both cameras at the same time and then select the images you want from both cameras?
This is what I currently do, but want a better solution because the remotes are placed on different corners and often the buffer gets filled on the remote at the second corner before the car arrives

plus i then need to clear all the blank frames from both remotes as a result of having that set ups
ok understood.

The manual for multimax shows it has a speedcyler function that maybe does what you need. Better wait for someone with experience of using the multimax.

I've only experienced this situation occasionally and I've used two pairs of triggers and receivers. One on the main camera I'm using triggers one set of cameras, and one in my hand for earlier or later triggering of other cameras. I've also tried remote triggering with motion detection when one of the cameras was far away, with mixed success. But maybe that's an option too.
Motion detection is something i've thought of, as my Hanhal captur has that functionality if you buy the additional kit. However beacuse you need to run a beam across the road its a lot of extra kit.

What I currently do is similar to your solution. I have a pocket wizard mounted to my camera hotshoe triggering one device, then I use my hanhal capture velcro'd to the lens or a glove in my hand for support and i trigger that with a finger on my lens holding hand - but the hanhal captur is not as a reliable as the pocket wizard - hence looking at this as a solution.

Edit: Where did you get a copy of the manual - I'll download and have a read. good shout
I have just bought a Cognisys Sabre to do something similar for Athletics. Another solution may be foot pedals with different transmitters fing the various receivers. I'm struggling to see how a trigger could do what you want without a degree of programming IE trigger number 2 5 seconds after number 1. In dynamic sports that would mean lots of frames with nothing on them
I have just bought a Cognisys Sabre to do something similar for Athletics. Another solution may be foot pedals with different transmitters fing the various receivers. I'm struggling to see how a trigger could do what you want without a degree of programming IE trigger number 2 5 seconds after number 1. In dynamic sports that would mean lots of frames with nothing on them

Thanks I'll have a look - yes I get a lot of wasted frames as it is..,, but as far as I understand the Multi max does do what you suggest, a delayed firing of the second trigger.... which is better than I have now. I've not had chance to dig out the instructions yet... So busy trying to keep up with the last few events looking forward to some downtime in the summer to research all the stuff ive asked about on here in the last few months (flash and this!!!)