PowerPoint pictures


POTY (Joint) 2016
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I have been asked to give a presentation which will be photo rich and I have a daft question. I was going to use jpegs but what size? The presentation will be on zoom and projected from a laptop. Is the determining factor the resolution of the laptop or…..?
Zoom screen sharing maxes out at 1080p (1920 × 1080). I'm assuming the laptop screen is at least that big.

Zoom will take care of any scaling from the actual screen resolution, so you could treat that as a minimum, or perhaps a target (to save disk space) rather than a maximum resolution for your images.
The short answer is that it doesn't matter, as the output from Powerpoint will (should) match what it is being projected on. The longer answer is that huge pictures in Powerpoint presentations slow it down and make the .ppt file huge too. It is good practice to reduce them in size (pixel count) before adding them to the presentation.
...and please don't change the aspect ratio to make them fit!

There is a special place in Hell for people that do that...