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Hi guys,

I've just been given a practica set-up in a case, 2 bodies a tele and a wide angle along with various (probably dead) gels. I don't know if it has a light meter either in camera or a proper one in the box. I don't know the model numbers of bodies or lenses.

What do I need to know? I have been shooting 35mm on my eos 650 but that has automatic metering so where do I go from here with fully manual ?

(it was a very bizzare telephone combination)
Or you use your own ability and experience to work it out yourself! ;) I I can manage a whole film of almost accurate exposure on a camera without a meter, then most people can I imagine :LOL: Of course as a stop gap and to test the cameras are working before investing in a light meter, use your canon [or your digital body if you have one] to meter to get a rough idea then transfer same settings to the Prakticas.

My old film SLR was a praktica and I loved it to bits at the time. (y)
as I said I dunno if there is a lightmeter in the box, if there isn't one in the cameras (as I think you are saying) then I would assume there to be one in the case as it was someones set up that they no longer use.

I had guessed that at some point I would find myself using my 50d as a pretend polaroid back :p especially if I play the strobist hahahaha
Hi all got them now, a Praktica MTL5B which works perfectly (had a roll through already) and a Praktica super TL which doesn't :confused:

also a Helios 35mm f2.8 prime Optomax 135mm f2.8 Prime an a carl zeis jena 50mm f2.8 prime, and a sunpak auto 140.

Could someone help me with the super TL, I reckon it's batteries dead and the cover won't open (prob no.1) but I can't get it to do anything (ie fire the shutter after winding it on) and the button on the front which I guess activates the meter wont come out. Also the viewfinder is dead dark.....

In love with the MTL though
obvious question - have you looked to check that the mirror /shutter isnt stuck?

viewfinder is dark ? black? dim? what aperture is set on the lens? Is the pin that sets the aperture when shooting stuck?
shooting at f2.8 so is wide open anyway. I can see through the viewfinder and just about focus but it looks dead dirty in there and the mirror looks cleanish..... had a blow about with a rocket blower but not much improvement so far

had a play this morning and now the shutter and advance work fine as does the meter button, it does however not meter. I guess the batteries dead and the compartment won't open I shall go down to the workshops tomorrow (apparently they're in meetings today grrrr) and borrow a screwdriver to get the battery compartment open, might get it done before depends on what I can rustle up.....