Print Drying

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I'm about to order what I hope is the last of my darkroom stuff (until I find something else missing) and have a question about print drying. In college we have one of them heated roller things, I don't like it because it seems to seperate the paper in one corner no matter what I do but becuase I'm only there for a few hours I don't have any other choice. I can't afford one of them anyway so do I hang them from a clothes line with clothes pegs like in they do on the telly, do I use a squeegee or for an extra tenner to I buy a Patterson print drying rack. £30 seems a bit steep for a bit of plastic but it seems better value than £20 for a print squeegee.

If you're going to buy a drying rack that's just a bit of plastic you may as well build something yourself out of a bit of chicken wire.

I use a proper one in the camera club for RC paper, bakers rack style with hot air flowing through it. They also have a nice press one for FB papers.
Think you're right there. Clothes pegs and washing line it is for the time being.