Printer Drivers

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Could do some technical advice, if there is anyone about. I've got a Kodak 5250 printer that I can't seem to find any drivers for, to install so I can print from my macbook. Are there any workarounds so this can happen? The printer is WIFI but without the drivers.. pretty useless!
A search for this 2009 year printer does not readily show an official Kodak website but many places that 'support' it with perhaps updated drivers including for a Mac.

I don't like to post links to such third party findings but just putting the printer model into google will show you what I discovered ;)
Took seconds to find this on Google

I have no idea if these are legit sites so take caution if downloading anything from the links above.
I should have added guys that I have downloaded the drivers but still getting issues; It appears that the cloud print should work - but enver lets me log in to google to authrize it; The actual printer driver flashes up an error when I install it; This one below!

Screen Shot 2021-03-15 at 12.54.07 PM.png
A search for this 2009 year printer does not readily show an official Kodak website but many places that 'support' it with perhaps updated drivers including for a Mac.

I don't like to post links to such third party findings but just putting the printer model into google will show you what I discovered ;)
Much appreciated, sadly this hasn't seem to bring any joy once they're downloaded..
I should have added guys that I have downloaded the drivers but still getting issues; It appears that the cloud print should work - but enver lets me log in to google to authrize it; The actual printer driver flashes up an error when I install it; This one below!

a long workaround but how about installing Windows on virtualbox and configuring the wifi using that? You should be done in about half an hour. I managed to sort out Smagung printer this way a while ago.
a long workaround but how about installing Windows on virtualbox and configuring the wifi using that? You should be done in about half an hour. I managed to sort out Smagung printer this way a while ago.

Hmm okay, so set up my mac to have a virtual windows side essentially? I will try that!
So I've been trying a few things:

1: installing the printer drivers via downloaded software (which just quits after a few tries)
2: Installing the printer driver via the CD ROM it came with - but this just refuses to open.
3: I connected the printer to my mac via USB cable.. but again still needs the driver
4: I try to add the printer via my mac, and it recognizes it but... there are no printer drives from apple and the limited dropdown list does not show anything related to Kodak

So I'm a bit at a loss - the printer works fine, but it will not let me print from my mac via either wireless or USB. Has anyone got any suggestions? I briefly looked into making your own printer driver, but this is way above me. The print is a Kodak 5250
hmm I will have a look.. main problem seems to be that I just can't install the software on the mac at all, despite having it it constanly quits. I literlally only get as far as this screen... SO I need to find a way around this.. :(

Screen Shot 2021-03-15 at 7.15.39 PM.png
Is there anyone at all that could suggest something? If there are any "Techy" people that could somehow solve this, I'm happy to pay for your time to remotely connect etc if need be!
I found this Kodak ESP 5250 problems with printing - Apple Community

And its linked page has other info.........maybe post your question on the Apple Community?

FWIW apart from the available drivers not being updated, it is also perhaps a Mac OS compatibility question compared to Windows where you can install a program in "compatibility mode" where you in effect install on a Win 10 PC but in Win 7 mode. I get the impression that Mac's do not have such a functionality???

PS looks like AirPrint is not going to work as the printer is not listed here About AirPrint - Apple Support
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I found this Kodak ESP 5250 problems with printing - Apple Community

And its linked page has other info.........maybe post your question on the Apple Community?

FWIW apart from the available drivers not being updated, it is also perhaps a Mac OS compatibility question compared to Windows where you can install a program in "compatibility mode" where you in effect install on a Win 10 PC but in Win 7 mode. I get the impression that Macs do not have such functionality???

PS looks like AirPrint is not going to work as the printer is not listed here About AirPrint - Apple Support

Thank you! Yes I had come across that, looks like this was just before AirPrint came about - as it doesn't come up on my iphone when printing, or any other wirelss device; I have now managed to install parallels on my MacBook, however.. that only covers Windows 10 it appears. So - and I may be barking up the wrong tree here but - if I could get ahold of an old copy of windows - perhaps windows 7 or windows 8 or XP, and then install that - that should theoretically work. It same with older versions of a mac.. but I think that would be way too hard. Does this osund about right?

I did try the Windows 10 method of installing a printer via its IP address - I managed to add it, but it didn't print bizarrely!