Printing Chemicals

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So I've baught an enlarger (should have checked the lenses more closely though),a safe light, an easel, a contact print maker and some other bits and bobs. I'm watching replacement lenses on eBay and I've ordered some big developing dishes. Then it dawns on me I've no idea about chemicals. When I use the college in darkroom they're either set out already or someone does it for me. So any recommendation on where to start? B&W only and using Ilford RC Multigrade Pearl to start with.

Ilford Multigrade Developer

Stop bath (optional)

Fixer, check as Ilford Hypam fixer can be used for both paper and film

Mix and flavor according to the instructions and off you go.

More info on Ilford products can be found here and they also provide fact sheets for there stuff as well.

As for getting the chemicals then check out either Nova Darkroom or Silverprint, both have good reputations.

Mind you Joxby or Steve Smith may have other shops to try :D

Have fun :D
Its a Durst M605 enlarger with a variety of lenses (listed them in my garage darkroom thread) all of which have fogging on the front elements which I presume is fungus. I should have checked more closely before I handed over the cash. Never mind. When looking for lenses on eBay I came across a lens mount for the enlarger. Turns out you need different ones for 50mm lenses and 80mm lenses and I only had the 50mm mount anyway.

Cheers for the info on chemicals Knikki. can be a bit of a nightmare getting everything together.

So its a different lens board for an 80.
What about film carriers
Diffuser or condenser ?, sometimes you need a bigger diffuser box to cover M/F, and condenser lenses are different from 35mm too.

sympathetic :shrug:
Thanks for the offer Martin but I need 75-80mm for my 6x6 negs.

Jox, I think it's a diffuser head, should suit me given my problems with dust. It's designed for 6x6 too and I've got glassless carriers for the negs.

There's two lens boards, the MF one is fairly flat and the 35mm one if dished so that the lens sits closer to the negative.
Yeah, I'm going with a diffuser head too, if only because there'll be no confusion with condenser lens availability, its just one less thing to fuxup..:D
Sounds like your ok with the same diffuser box for both formats..
Except I hadn't noticed at first glance the MF insert and 645 not 6x6. Time to hit eBay again!