Printing Enlargements from APS Advantix

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Hopefully this is the right place to ask this.

Back in the mid 1990's I'd bought an APS Advantix compact camera and had taken many photos with it when at university. Those photos were printed at normal size.

Earlier today went into Jessops and tried to get some of those photos enlarged using the original film. I was told by the staff there that there is no way to get a full image enlargement done from APS film and that the photo will always be cropped!

Is this true? Or is it a case of just Jessops not being able to do it?

If true, then I do find it very odd and also annoying that Kodak would develop a photo film system and have it implemented in consumer cameras and not put into place the ability to do full image enlargements.

Are there any ways to get full image APS enlargements done?

Thanks :)
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