Promotional Portraits - Thomas Ward

Daniel Hodson
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Following my on going project, I conducted a shoot with a solo musician called Thomas Ward.

He is on the verge of releasing an EP entitled 'Liberté'

We ventured out of Birmingham to a small village called Earlswood.


Tom Ward - Singer/Songwriter by Daniel Hodson, on Flickr


Tom Ward - Singer/Songwriter by Daniel Hodson, on Flickr


Tom Ward - Singer/Songwriter by Daniel Hodson, on Flickr


Tom Ward - Singer/Songwriter by Daniel Hodson, on Flickr


Tom Ward - Singer/Songwriter by Daniel Hodson, on Flickr

I know by asking for critique I run the risk of ending up hating images, but thats how you learn :D
number two for me. Mr Ward looks a bit wooden in the rest. I think if you had the subject leaning against the bridge, legs crossed and playing his instrument, that would have been a good image. Sorry to be harsh, but I hope it helps.
Nice shots Daniel!

I like #1 the best out of the set....

#2 would have been better, IMO, if the guitar/banjo (whatever you wanna call it) was fully in the frame...

I like the processing on the pics too! :)
@ Doog, not so harsh, just sharing your opinion which is greatly appreciated. I actually raised this with Tom on the shoot, I told him he looked 'wooden' but it was his natural stance.

@Steven, I was shooting with a speedlite into an umbrella diagonally to the right/left of the subject. It provided enough light for me to shoot into the sun but retain detail in his face. I hope to get an ETTL Sync lead with a couple of meters of cable so I can better utilise the flash.

@ Y15HAL, thank you, one is probably my favourite too. I always wonder with shoots like this if a re-shoot may allow me to address the issue of looking 'wooden' as often they're more relaxed.