Pyrausta aurata (tiny moth)

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Thank goodness for the Raynox - this thing is so small every time it moved I lost sight of it. The caterpillars are apparently fond of mint, and it was on cat mint, so maybe I'll get lots of little ones next year.............or maybe the cat mint will just get eaten to within an inch of its life. It would make a change from the local catnip junkies rolling in it and having a fight at one in the morning,,,,,,,,,,,,,:(

Pyrausta aurata by Jannyfox, on Flickr

Pyrausta aurata 2
by Jannyfox on Talk Photography

And I know this one's a bit rubbish. It was taken earlier when it was skulking in the salvia and there was a bit of aster in the way, but it's the only one I have that shows the underwing. It also shows just how small it is.

Pyrausta aurata
by Jannyfox on Talk Photography
Lovely images Janny...I can vouch for how small these are as I photographed one the other day in the garden, the post is just down from yours, mine was feeding on Achillea flowers which are soooo small.
Lovely images Janny...I can vouch for how small these are as I photographed one the other day in the garden, the post is just down from yours, mine was feeding on Achillea flowers which are soooo small.

Just had another look at yours Andy. The first time I looked at it I didn't realise it was the same beast. I think you just have to be in the right position for the purple wing colour to really show. Could be why mine seemed to vanish every time it moved. My ID source (UK Moths) doesn't grace it with a common name but mint moth is certainly a good one.