No need to apologise for the heavy use of the crop toolI recon thatif you had got lower and had more room above the car the shot would have been great. As it is, the shot just seems like a miss... sorry
I have posted the car here before but not this shot.
CC would be welcomed
Thanks for the points. no need to be so rude about the name. It's just put there to stop copying etc. it's a subject that been covered here on many an occasion.
It's a good pic - I remember reading a tip from a pro car tog who said to always turn the front wheels hard lock towards the camera... never tested it on my own Vauxhall Astra to find out if it still looks crap or not!
not being rude just straight to the point. put your name down the bottom so people can see who shot the image.
And then I would have had a crit from someone saying thay I had spoilt the detail in the reflection I thought that I had positioned it in a dead area of the shot:shrug: