Rant, rant, rant.. it really gets my goat...

Just as well you did not call it a "shot" and you called it a photograph. I am sure though, yours are "compositions" :D I better go to the supermarket now.
Oohhh, where shall I start? :D

I'm with you on both 'stunning' (the most overused word in photography today) and 'capture', but I have to throw in 'editing' used when people mean 'processing'.
The Like Button, folk click on the like button for a photo you put up, but why not say the reason why you like it.

They may not be able to articulate a reason. Many people can't. Possibly this is obliquely one of the things that gets my goat(ee) in that photographers generally have no interest in or awareness of visual art. I mentioned recently that a local evening class prospectus advertises an art class on the basis of studying line, tone, form etc. and studying the work of painters whilst the same provider describes photography in terms of camera controls, getting the results into a computer to mess around with them (my phrase) and never bothers about what makes a compelling image... And as to what happens when the "A" word is mentioned here... :exit:
I hate it when people post photographs ( captures?) and don't say where it is in the case of landscapes/scenes or what it is in the case of vehicles/aircraft.
Is it too much to ask for a short description of what and where
I hate it when people post photographs ( captures?) and don't say where it is in the case of landscapes/scenes or what it is in the case of vehicles/aircraft.
Is it too much to ask for a short description of what and where

At times though there is a reason. From personal experience is that as a stock travel photographer I don't want all and sundry going out there and trying to get access to somewhere that it may have taken me a lot of negotiation to get to. I want images that are unique that when a buyer comes across it they aren't going to find it anywhere else.

Last week I was photographing in a well known city from up high. The people that owned the building told me that they have turned away loads of people who want the view. So I feel very lucky that through my own negotiation skills I have images that not everyone else has.

I've heard stories of how things can be in Norway and Iceland. That hotspots can have 40 or 50 photographers there trying to capture the same thing that everyone else is doing. It's insane!!!
record accurately in words or pictures.

Its right though

In which case, as he describes his photographs as "departures from reality" Ansel Adams didn't capture much. I think this proves my point about the way photographers regard photographs.
The like button is for when you *like* a capture, but not enough to comment. ;)
Wrong for me. If I like something it is not necessary that I need to say something. Don't they say a photograph is a thousand words or something like that :cool:

Posting images for crit but only getting either praise or flack with no reason given.
So best to say nothing.
Oohhh, where shall I start? :D

I'm with you on both 'stunning' (the most overused word in photography today) and 'capture', but I have to throw in 'editing' used when people mean 'processing'.

Well Adobe describe Lightroom as the essential tool for organising, editing and sharing so "editing" is fine as a description.
Unless by "editing" they mean selection :)
Well Adobe describe Lightroom as the essential tool for organising, editing and sharing so "editing" is fine as a description.
Given the other thread that is running now, they forgot to add the word "losing" as in "sharing and losing" the photographs.
Well Adobe describe Lightroom as the essential tool for organising, editing and sharing so "editing" is fine as a description.
Lightroom is an editing, organising and processing tool. The editing is done in the Library module. It has a Develop module for processing.


Editing never meant processing, the only part of processing that can accurately be described as 'editing' is cropping which edits the image to what the editor wants to show.
Lightroom is an editing, organising and processing tool. The editing is done in the Library module. It has a Develop module for processing.


Editing is the process of selecting and preparing written, visual, audible, and film media used to convey information. The editing process can involve correction, condensation, organization, and many other modifications performed with an intention of producing a correct, consistent, accurate and complete work.
record accurately in words or pictures. Its right though…

Chill off, its only communication!

… with a severe handicap in favour of the image poster.
  • The image poster starts the thread with a 1000 words on
    his/her side and the replier starts with an empty white box
    and a like button.
  • The image poster took the time to produce an image and
    it's hoped that the viewer will
    instantly cook up dithyrambic
    replies! WTF?
  • Photography is a communication mode… visual that is. In
    many cases (like mine), it eases the lack of drawing talent
    and, for others, even the lack of profuse verbal expression.
I do spend lots of time in studio shootings of all nature (that's my
trade) and I spend all my free time shooting a multitude other sub-
jects (that includes visits to the marsh) just for the kick of it.

Just like a
lot of members, I get "likes" sometimes; I like the likes be-
cause the viewer can express his/her pleasure through it without
saying a word.

Some will spend hours on their knees in their garden, or elsewhere,
to shoot our almost invisible planet's jewels. Others will report on
events where every captures is a prowess in itself at 1/4000 sec.

In my book, these are all worth the efforts and rewards such as likes,
long replies, or even the shortest and seemingly insignificant ones.

Chill off, its only communication… and honesty is the most eloquent
part of it.
Last edited:

Chill off, its only communication!

… with a severe handicap in favour of the image poster.
  • The image poster starts the thread with a 1000 words on
    his/her side and the replier starts with an empty white box
    and a like button.
  • The image poster took the time to produce an image and
    it's hoped that the viewer will
    instantly cook up dithyrambic
    replies! WTF?
  • Photography is a communication mode… visual that is. In
    many cases (like mine), it eases the lack of drawing talent
    and, for others, even the lack of profuse verbal expression.
I do spend lots of time in studio shootings of all nature (that's my
trade) and I spend all my free time shooting a multitude other sub-
jects (that includes visits to the marsh) just for the kick of it.

Just like a
lot of members, I get "likes" sometimes; I like the likes be-
cause the viewer can express his/her pleasure through it without
saying a word.

Some will spend hours on their knees in their garden, or elsewhere,
to shoot our almost invisible planet's jewels. Others will report on
events where every captures is a prowess in itself at 1/4000 sec.

In my book, these are all worth the efforts and rewards such as likes,
long replies, or even the shortest and seemingly insignificant ones.

Chill off, its only communication… and honesty is the most eloquent
part of it.

Either my cognition or your english must be improving, as all that made complete sense.
Either my cognition or your english must be improving, as all that made complete sense.

Thanks Terry… maybe you are more tolerant
with my non-mastery of your language! :cool: