Raw Workflow


Edit My Images
Everyone will have a different Raw workflow but anyone want to share theirs?

Getting frustrated myself trying to get one going. :hissyfit:

First hurdle is deciding which Raw converter to use........Raw Shooter Premium, ACR, Canon Digital Photo Professional all seem to give different WB/Colour etc when loading the same image. :confused-
Rawshooter Premium for as much as possible, then into CS2 for anything that can't be done at raw level. That pretty much covers my workflow tools.
RawShooter Essentials to adjust colour temperature and exposure. Maybe add a little sharpness. The rest is done in PS7
I have to use ACR as Rawshooter doesn't support my camera yet, but I will probably by-pass that and go for the pro-sumer version of the DxO optics thing when it finally comes out. Correct exposure and white balance,save as a tiff with sharpening for my use. save alternative copy with no sharpening for the image library. do the cs2 work on both. use GF print pro to interpolate the the image library version up to about 60Mb Tiff. Sharpen another version for personal use and maybe save another copy for uploading to web if I wanna share it.


I need a few actions methinks.

And a bigger Hard-drive!
My workflow itself consists of putting all the images from the shoot into a suitably named folder, then process them through Rawshooter which creates a new subfolder with my 16bit tiffs. I then create another folder within the tiff folder where I place my worked on shots at full resolution. These are the shots that I use to reduce for web or printing etc. This filing system and workflow make it easy to locate all my files and back up the pictures, keeping originals, tiffs and completed files all together.
Thanks for the replies..................

Me thinks I need to slow down and concentrate on using one Raw converter rather than messing with several as I don't seem to be getting anywhere.

RawShooter seems to be the one I keep going back too.
I just use the RAW converter in CS2 to adjust colour balance and maybe a slight tweak for exposure, then into CS2 for my TIFFs (large: print) and JPEGs (small: transmission).

Having said that, my main emphasis is on speed over quality.