Real or Fake


TPer Emeritus
Edit My Images
This came through an email list I am subscribed to. You have to decide if a picture is a photo or computer graphics.

I think I'll keep my score to myself :(


The site does seem a bit slow..... but it does work.
I got 9/10 correct and was really suprised at the one I got wrong. It is somewhat harder due to compression on some of the images however I have no excuse for the one that fooled me, that really is stunning work.
my whole connection is slow, so to me its still slow. the hamsters that power my isp must have died....
The site that it is on is painfully slow, but once I started I had to know the answers so I just kept going back until it was done.
On the results page is a link to another one - an earlier version (top right)

It also says there is a bonus if you get them all right... think that may take me a while
7/10, frustrated now though, so balls
IanC_UK said:
hehehe i only had one go at it !

Im still amazed at the one i got wrong !

Sorry no I meant I kept wondering off to do other things while the pages were loading then I would go back to study the picture...I didn't mean I had multiple attempts. :suspect1:
9/10 tripped by the same one as everyone else I suspect.
The Challenge Results
Two out of ten answers were correct. The CG images are good aren't they!
Try again because now you're ahead of the game. At least you now have two of the answers!

Stupid challenge. :whistle2:
9/10 Even when you know that one is a graphic it's still hard to believe! :ponders:
4/10, in my defence I couldn't be bothered waiting for the big pictures to load so did it from the thumbnails :embarasse I got the one I think you're all meaning wrong too, the odds are good anyway :)
Very clever stuff. No windscreen wipers though...
DJW said:
5/10....I expect too much of CGI ;)

The thing to look for on CGI is how regular things are, if there is a pattern is usually fake. Computers struggle to create the used look.