Recent 5x4 work

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Had a nice couple of days down in Cornwall, near Bude.

Lovely stretch of coast, very dramatic. Here's a couple of the shots I've taken. I'd be interested in your thought regarding these....




The second one is actually a pano of 2 images taken using the full shift capability of the back of the camera, as a 90mm lens wasnt quite wide enough.

Missed the focus on the last one possibly, but the softness may also be down to the wind as it was blowing an unholy hoolie.

Hope you like.
Nice Spencer, first for me. I would have liked to see a bit more to the right of the frame though and lost a few of the flowers, that rock bottom right looks a bit cramped.

What film and developer are these?

due to the lack of interest in my MPP I'm getting my lens CLA'd and looking for a 90mm. Looks like LF is back on for the summer, just need to find somewhere to go to do it justice

It's Adox CHS25 in Rodinal 1:100, semi stand dev, 18 mins. Inversions every now and again.

BTW, I'd be interested to know where you are getting your shutter CLA'd. I now have a dead one :(

they have estimated about £65 for my schneider 135/4.7. Obviously it might be a bit more when they get it but thats not bad as far as I'm concerned.

They seem pretty good from the comms so far, just got to send it off to them and see waht the work is like :D

I'll give them a shout.

I have a slightly damaged Synchro-Compur shutter that apparently didn't like being dropped in the sand and nearly being washed away by the tide......
Beautiful work!
I love the dynamic range in the first shot.
really nice work ghandi.. i really like the 2nd one

been looking at the adox stuff myself also been loking at playing with the ortho for something different.
An unusual combination for Large format use. as even a 400 iso film in 1-1 D76 makes virtually unlimited size enlargements.
I use to make 3 meter square Display enlargements from a 200 iso film in D76 in the 1950's... that was in Spain using the only available film made by Valcor.

I could and did do the same from 2 1/4 sq Adox R17 film developed in neofin blue.

Adox (Thin) emulsions are still made on the same machines they built in the 50's They were simply moved to the new factory.
As single coated emulsions they respond best to dilute Non-fine grain developers.
Grain ?

That first one has movement in the clouds, but they still look almost 3D :)
Unusual Combination why?

Only because it will far exceed the enlargement needs of just about anyone.
and probably out resolve any lens you could throw at it.
I am not complaining... I have no problem at all with over kill.

My own choice would be a medium speed film and dilute D76.or ID 11
such a combination has far more latitude and more controllable tones.

But that would be for me ... not you. You make your own choices to suit you, as we all do.