Recomend me a film...

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I'm looking for a film to run through my Fujica ST605 35mm. I'd like a film with lovely vibrant colours, but not too much of a hefty price tag on it. Any suggestions?
As a general purpose film Fuji superia 200asa is excellent.......could bore you with a 100 pics if you want to show how good it is.
As a general purpose film Fuji superia 200asa is excellent.......could bore you with a 100 pics if you want to show how good it is.

100 may be overkill, but I wouldn't mind seeing one or two if you have time? Thanks for the quick reply too :)
I take it where I get the rolls processed will make a difference?
It shouldn't do as c41 is a standardised process, however if the chems are old or the lab poorly run it will. There's no need to go mad on a test roll, supermarket will be fine.
Just ordered 3 rolls of 36exp 200 Superior. Would have ordered more, but I've not used the Fuji in a while, so not sure on seals and shutter. All look ok, but I don't fancy buying a load of film for a knackered camera!

Thanks for the replies guys, I hope to be in this section a fair bit more, trying to get back into using my film camera as well as my digi!
by Fuji Proplus II, cost around $10/5rolls



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Very nice panoramics, and shows you dont need to buy the expensive films if you find what you want for cheap (y)
tbh if you are scanning I've found little difference between cheaper and more expensive colour films.

erm "if you are scanning"? Well I suppose there are still places that do it the old way.
Scanning using a flatbed scanner I mean if that wasn't clear.

Apart from grain, I've never been able to distinguist B/W films either.


Well I was given 10 rolls of Jessops colour film and will have to check out your experience. re no difference in colour etc on a flatbed scanner...but in going over all my old colour negs from the past, there is a difference in that some negs are unscannable i.e. just can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, even though the neg was correctly exposed.
Well I was given 10 rolls of Jessops colour film and will have to check out your experience. re no difference in colour etc on a flatbed scanner...but in going over all my old colour negs from the past, there is a difference in that some negs are unscannable i.e. just can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, even though the neg was correctly exposed.

Yeah I've had that unable to scan problem. the scanner also adds a lot of grain.

I'm not saying there is no difference in colour but its seems to be neutralised anyways.