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I finally got round to replacing my painted glass which got smashed a few months ago and have had some fun finding suitable subjects to play with. It does attract a bit of dust so I needed to do a bit of cloning, but I do like the quality of refection. Both shot with natural window light. C&c as always welcome.

elegance by Emma Varley, on Flickr

delicate by Emma Varley, on Flickr
Love both of these Emma, reflections is a subject that fascinates me.
Lovely compositions Emma. (I wouldn't have thought to de-centre the first one so much vertically. It works well I think.)

I wonder if #2 has been brought down from a slightly over-exposed condition? I'm looking at the top of the looping "streamer". It isn't blown to white, but it is featureless, as if it has been pulled down from being over-exposed. It looks like the all the structure/texture and most of the colour has bleached/leeched out of it. It looks similar to an effect I encounter with curved petals at a certain angle to the light. I have to under-expose a lot to avoid it (where possible, and where not possible, to at least reduce the effect). That in turn of course brings complications with processing the darker areas.
These look great. Feathers make great subjects to photograph for some reason.

Lovely compositions Emma. (I wouldn't have thought to de-centre the first one so much vertically. It works well I think.)

I wonder if #2 has been brought down from a slightly over-exposed condition? I'm looking at the top of the looping "streamer". It isn't blown to white, but it is featureless, as if it has been pulled down from being over-exposed. It looks like the all the structure/texture and most of the colour has bleached/leeched out of it. It looks similar to an effect I encounter with curved petals at a certain angle to the light. I have to under-expose a lot to avoid it (where possible, and where not possible, to at least reduce the effect). That in turn of course brings complications with processing the darker areas.

You're absolutely right Nick - it wasn't blown but definitely overexposed, and I'm not happy with the colour. This shot was taken outside in late evening sunlight and does the colour much better justice, but I wasn't happy with the dof - I would have liked to have got the tip of the bottom nearside petal in focus, too. I wasn't sure about the stem coming from the top corner either, but other angles didn't seem to put the flower in such a flattering position.
fragments by Emma Varley, on Flickr
This shot was taken outside in late evening sunlight and does the colour much better justice, but I wasn't happy with the dof - I would have liked to have got the tip of the bottom nearside petal in focus, too. I wasn't sure about the stem coming from the top corner either, but other angles didn't seem to put the flower in such a flattering position.
fragments by Emma Varley, on Flickr

I don't see Exif data, so I don't know what the settings were and what might have been practical (you may already have been on the edge settings-wise), but might some combination of these have worked? Further away+bigger crop and/or smaller aperture (+possibly higher ISO and/or slower shutter speed to compensate).

Have to say late afternoon/evening with low sunlight picking out subjects is one of my favourite botanical shooting environments (often backlit when there are translucent petals involved).
I'm not sure why the exif wasn't showing for you on Flickr Nick - I copied and pasted the above. I could certainly have moved further away as the background was a nice distance, but didn't notice my mistake until I got home as is often the way! I wouldn't want to push the ISO any higher on the 3200.
I definitely need some more time out and about with evening sun for some backlit shots - we've had glorious evenings here recently, but work has just got in the inconsiderate!
I'm not sure why the exif wasn't showing for you on Flickr Nick - I copied and pasted the above.

Ah, just realised why. I tried reading it from the posted version (using Exif viewer in Firefox). I forgot to go and look at Flickr. :oops: :$

I could certainly have moved further away as the background was a nice distance, but didn't notice my mistake until I got home as is often the way! I wouldn't want to push the ISO any higher on the 3200.

I can understand that. ISO 800 is about as high as I'm comfortable with using the 70D. I will go higher, but I try not to.

You were working hand-held presumably. Does the 105mm have VR? With the 55-250 on my 70D I sometimes go slower, 1/50 sec or so. VR effectiveness declines with magnification, but even with only 1 stop of VR the 1/focal length guideline would give 1/ 50 sec for a 100mm lens. If you take several shots you may be fine with one of them.

I definitely need some more time out and about with evening sun for some backlit shots - we've had glorious evenings here recently, but work has just got in the inconsiderate!

Very. :(