Rhino run

@realspeed can i pick your brain a second please ... what settings do you use to render your videos.. i seem to have broken mine and cant get it right again :(

what have you broken?

A lot of my videos are done via one of my editing suits. If I have videoed in 4K or higher I then use either "wondershare Filmora" or if that doesn't have what I want I use " Movavi editor plus 2022 "version.
Otherwise for all else I turn to "Adobe Premier Elements" editing suite. They all have a built in rendering program.

So to give you an exact answer I can't do. However your question is a bit vague, if I may politely suggest, as rendering can be several different things, From matching a sound track to a video-smoothing out a video- or using a particular codec to name but a few. then if the latter it depends on the camera/camcorder used. That rhino one was on an old panasonic HC-X900M camcorder I no longer have..

My apology for this next bit and all that own a Sony AX53

If I remember you bought a SonyAX53 camcorder against my strong advice about going for a panasonic camcorder such as my Panasonic HC -X1500. Not trying to rub it in but I do make suggestions based on various things of what a camcorder can and can't do having owned that Sony. That Sony has a 1" sensor so pixelation may show up more???? at least in camcorder terms. this might be what you are referring to . Also the lack of control ,as I mentioned in a previous post, I found so restrictive with that Sony version I P/X it after a very short time. It is ok for what it is and can do but not for more serious videographers. If I remember correctly you said the panasonic HC-X1500 looked too professional

Maybe you might consider doing the same and go P/X like I did. I promise you that you will never regret it

Panasonic HC=X1500 hand held on our trip to Faroe Isle church last year. sorry it is only youtube quality
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-ZfTGpmvLw&t=152s

Or thinking about it maybe the graphics computer card can't handle 4k videos or even your down to your monitor is Not a 4K one

If I don't get back to you for a time we are very soon off to Portugal on yet another fly/cruise. My son will be here holding the fort and looking after our dog
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That Sony has a 1" sensor so pixelation may show up more????

Doesnt the AX53 have the same sensor as the HC X1500, in both the specs it says 1/2.5" 8.29mp sensor
I wouldnt think a larger sensor would show more pixelation or 35mm would produce dreadfull video
Doesnt the AX53 have the same sensor as the HC X1500, in both the specs it says 1/2.5" 8.29mp sensor
I wouldnt think a larger sensor would show more pixelation or 35mm would produce dreadfull video
sorry you are correct my mistake, I was working of my memory.I got rid of mine many years ago
quote " Introduced in 2016, this camcorder improves on the previous versions with the addition of bigger pixels in the same 1/2.5 sensor" unquote.
that is what I must have been thinking of. I am always ready to acknowledge my error.

Having had a panasonic camcorder before for many many years until it basically wore out I did go for the sony ax53. Unfortunately I was sadly disappointed with it. Overall nothing actually wrong with it but to my mind built for those in camera terms "snappers". Maybe my original panasonic camcorder the HC-X900m is what I came to expect with full control settings. The sony made those decisions for me.
now with the Panasonic HC-X1500 one is closer to the pro consumer range possibly with more features than one would ever use. but they are there if needed, and being able to extract a frame from the video I find is far better than just taking a photo with a camcorder that has that facility
View: https://flic.kr/p/2pvT4nk

frame from above

View: https://flic.kr/p/2pvSUeF
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@realspeed All the reasons I bought the Sony still stand :) its small an inobtrusive plus AUTO is axactly what I wanted :) I ahve been really happy with it )

made some decent videoes but my latest one pixalated in places... turns out from another thread when i was rendering the video the bitrate needed to be a lot higher because of the fast moving scene in video )

Cheers :)
At least you discovered the problem
.One difference I like is being able to do with mine is search a video, after the video has been recordered, frame by frame and capture a single frame as a photo as shown above. So no chance of missing a particular moment within the video as a photograph. All I have to do in camcorder is go into the thumb nail setting find the clip i want to get a photo from- slowdown the video to frame by frame and touch the camera sign on the screen. photo ready . this way I can get tghe exact moment i want

With the sony yes it can take a photo via pressing the button as a still, or during making a video. Getting a still while videoing is a bit hit or miss let alone camera shake or focus issues. tghe only way is to capture a still while editng. even then not a good idea