RIAT Nightshoot

cheers holty, they are really low res uploads, so that could explain some of it, the f22 was lit by some awful sodium lighting and our portable led kits just could not overpower it, so it was a massive compromise, and in the end, b&w was the only answer.
TOG - Trained and fully Operational Gardener


How does one become tog at RIAT though? I did few years in PV :)

PS - It also stands for phoTOGrapher ;)
I would keep well away from radars and planes.
I used to work on a site with them and the amount of people who got cancer was simply ridiculous.
Excellent set :)
An excellent set, interesting to see another side of the planes and very well executed. Love the composition and lighting on the first
agreed #1 was really good. I assume you were going for moody and an bit sinister. I was going to ask if these were with a lighting set up but as you say they were lit by the organisers asa pposed to strobes