Robber Fly, preying on a male Chalk Hill Blue Butterfly.

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A freshly emerged male Chalk hill Blue Butterfly, being preyed on by a Robber Fly.
These Robber Flies are lethal, they grab their prey, an literally suck the life out of them, then discard them!
Its not a "scene" i see very often (when im out photographing butterflies) an more often than not, its a male Chalk hill that ends up on the Robberflies menu.
It was quite easy to track the Robber Fly, as it flew from perch to perch, but a lot harder to get in close for a decent image! I shot less than 6 images(on as many grass stems) before the Robber Fly discarded the lifeless body of the butterfly!
Image is not cropped, cheers Paul.

Robber Fly, preying on male Chalk Hill Blue Butterfly. No Cropping. by Tort Man (out of hibernation!), on Flickr
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Well spotted, and very nicely captured, Paul :)
Well spotted, and very nicely captured, Paul :)
Thanks for that Chris.
Despite Chalk hill Blue numbers being down this year/season (for my areas that i visit) less than 15 minutes later, i captured a nice image of 2 males together. ;)
Whilst i admire the predatory Robber Fly (nature being what it is) theres plenty of male Chalk Hills around, to keep the species being very successful.

2 male Chalk hill Blue butterflies, sharing the same perch.
Male Chalk Hill Blue Butterflies. No Cropping. by Tort Man (out of hibernation!), on Flickr
Fine work Paul