Robj20's 52 for 2021

Nice moody shot - mono would work well too.
Hi Rob,
Both portray the theme, but neither really jump out at me.
IMO (and it may just be me) they need a focal point, like perhaps a boat on the lake in the mist, or something in amongst the leaves in Autumn - maybe a conker or something.
Lovely foggy morning for Natural.

You're very quick off the mark with Autumn! I like the depth of field and you must have been on the floor to get it.
I think Tim has a good point re something for the eye to settle on. The yellow leaf strategically placed would add to it. (Now I've read his comment :naughty: )
They'll be everywhere soon. A good mixture of yellows, orange/browns.
What could possibly be behind this door. Not a great photo but as i was walking past the theme just jumped into my head.

Door 2021-52-39 by 8o8ert, on Flickr

One of my favourite spots, except for this time of year when its difficult to get close enough. So much history in this area but some parts are so difficult to get close to.

Architecture 2021-52-40 by 8o8ert, on Flickr
Nice viaduct - dissused I assume?
What a curious little thing that building is.
Wasn't there a song about a green door?
Door - Looks a weird place to stick a shed. But I suspect it is more than that, it's boulnd to relate to some underground utility service. Good spot
Architecture - Lovely shot. I was ging to ask viaduct or aqueduct? but I see you linked to it on wikipedia, so I now know :)
Really like the underneath shot of the bridge. Esp the diagonals. Beautifully seen and composed.
I’m with Joan - really like the underneath of the bridge shot. Great composition and lovey light.
Also excellent light and colour on the leaves in the second shot.
Thanks both. Was nice getting out this morning, shame I didn't find anything for Red, Irregular and Halloween though.
Week 41 - Red

2021-52-41 Red by 8o8ert, on Flickr

Getting there, just Irregular and Halloween to do now, think Halloween will have to be a cemetery at night time.