Rollei XF film speed help needed.

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Morning all,

I have a Rollei XF which should have a 1.35v battery fitted unfortunately these are hard to acquire so it has a 1.5v battery in it.

My question is this; what adjustment do I need to make to the ASA setting to take into account the change in voltage?

I had a roll of HP5 Plus in it and had the ASA set to 160 which has worked well,
how does this equate for 50 100 and 400 speed film etc?

I'd go with +10% and see what happens, the voltage is 10% higher

rate iso 100 @ iso 110

400 @ 440 etc

I dunno if that's possible with that camera :shrug:
I personaly wouldnt worry too much unless you are shooting slides. The latitude of mono film is such that a 10% difference will be eaten up. Even then, you may find that the extra voltage will be compensated for by the meter anyway. Some do.

Finally, the type of cell is likely to effect the way the meter respopnds too if it doesnt self compensate, if it's an alakali cell opposed to a lithium one, the voltages dont tend to be too stable anyways and drop off over a period time.

I'm running my Yashica electro (needs 6v mercury cell) off of a combination of a 3v lithium cell and 2x1.5 volt alkali cells and it seems to be fine currently.
I have found that usually setting the ASA down by 2 stops works fine ( i.e when I put a 400 ASA film, I set the Camera to 100 ASA, for a 200 ASA film I set the camera to 50 ASA etc).

This works for my Leica CL, RC 35 etc. I usually check the camera light meter readings against a Minolta Autometer III once in a while to see if there has been a drift.

May be for a film, it does not matter too much anyways