Rolleiflex Automat 1

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Hi All

I have inherited my dear old dads most treasured camera from what was his collection.

It a Rolleiflex TLR Automat 1, made just before WW2, has its original case, been well used ,as it was meant to be!
All working at first inspection.

Can anyone recommend a camera service place that can service it and give me advice on any work it may need.

I intend to keep as a family hand me down, dad always played with this one it was his favorite camera of all. The thing is just full of memories for me.

I do intend to put some film through it as thats what its intended for, but have been a digital user for ages and need to dig out an exposure meter etc.

Any advice please?

Also any idea if its valuable or as cheap as chips?

Hi Doofus

There can be no value to your dads camera, its priceless ( sorry for saying so, but really I wish my old man left me one

Do put some films through it; its a great camera

I can get a name for a service place ( I'll pm you , do let me know)

Enjoy it; I am told its a great instrument
Hi Doofus

There can be no value to your dads camera, its priceless ( sorry for saying so, but really I wish my old man left me one

Do put some films through it; its a great camera

I can get a name for a service place ( I'll pm you , do let me know)

Enjoy it; I am told its a great instrument

You are spot on about it being priceless, it is to me.(y)

Dad and I were keen photographers, darkroom the lot as a youngster, well until I discovered beer and women!
Great days they were too..the photography I mean,
beer and women was good also!

I am after a value to make sure for insurance purposes really.

Yes please to the service recommendation either direct on forum or via PM is fine.

Thanks for taking the time to post.
It might be worth checking out this LINK

I don't think it actually gives a value although I'd guess they'd be able to put a value on it for insurance purposes so it's probably worth a quick email. Interestingly that particular model is marked as "Rare" so it may be more than you think. Not that it matters in this case of course. It certainly looks a nice camera.

EDIT found this on the same site... price is in $ but probably better than nothing LINK2

Personally (and because I am tight) I would stick a couple of rolls through it and see what you get before you get it serviced, it could still be working in perfect order and not need a service. Then again a service might just give it a bit more life I guess....have fun with it whatever :D
Thanks Bill,

I had seen this site but not noted the rare bit, the serial is in that range so its one of them for sure.
The name etc was from a note ind dads collection list, he never put down value, so mum could not see, bless him.

Mrs Doofus is still busy using your old nifty and not letting me have a go!
She is chuffed to bits with my purchase??


Jimmy Lemon

Thanks also, yes as it works you are spot on, go get some film and see what happens is cheaper than service for sure.


I'll pm you the name of a guy who may do the CLA.

Re price; from my experience, it all depends on the condition of the camera and the case; cosmetic conditions are a big influencer.

The next big thing is the condition of the lens - especially scratches, fogging and fungus

My guess is prices to buy will vary from 120 - 160 £ for a decent one with a average case ( with nothing rare or collector about it etc) and about 60% of that to sell.

As an example I bought my Rollei 3.5 unmetered for around 120£; and when in my care got a spot of fungus. Without the fungus I should have been able to get 80/90 £; I eventually sold it for 70£
I inhereted my father's camera collection earlier this year and that includes a Rolleiflex too. The whole collection of about thirty cameras is going to stay in my mother's house as he left it but I intend to put film through some of them occasionally.

...Mrs Doofus is still busy using your old nifty and not letting me have a go!
She is chuffed to bits with my purchase??

I'm really glad she's enjoying your purchase Alan! We could both see that one coming. She's not so crazy after all is she? :LOL:

Give her my regards
