Rolls Royce Phantom

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My first thread in this neck of the woods on TP. Took a bunch of shots at a wedding today of the Phantom.

Some C&C would be nice.

Also, not sure which of the badge/statue shots I think is best to go with.






Thanks. 1&2 were with a Sigma 10-20mm. The rest or at least most of the rest were Nikon 24-70 f/2.8
on the satue

i would not go for no. 5 as there are people in the background so i would go for no. 3
I also like #3 most then #6, the background or angle on the rest spoils slightly for me - nice clear shots though :)
Looking at no.3 now I think theres a colour cast I haven't corrected but I think im preferring no.6
very classy pictures, I love the first one that seems to stretch the car out
They don't do much for me. :shrug: Sorry.

Firstly it's an unattractive car, to me anyway. :nono:

That's personal opinion on the subject, Photographically,

The car stands out from the background well, and the lens used has given the impression that it is a long car, which it is. ;) But the people on the right are a distraction (not sure if it was possible to get images without them :shrug:). The passing car I'm not sure about. :shrug: But the highlight on the building behind catches my eye after following the length of the Rolls, and then that building looks like it is sinking.

It seems odd because the car is level, but the building on the right seems to be leaning into the street. Possibly a side effect of the lens used. Again, the people are a distraction.

It could have been OK if the building on the left didn't have the bright highlight which was reflected onto the car. The view doesn't seem to be level, with the top of the grill exiting the frame higher on the left than the right. Again the reflection on the left of the building pulls my eye to it.

Here the background is overexposed and the view too high. Maybe lowering the camera to show the top of the grill, and maybe the RR emblem may have been a good idea, if you didn't try it. But then you run the risk of whatever was being reflected in that mirror like surface, maybe yourself.

I like the reflection of the Spirit of Ecstasy on the top of the grill surface, but don't like the lamppost coming out of it's back, nor the chap with his head cut off and arm in an odd position, and nor the chap smoking.

This the best for me by far. Whilst the sun is still on the building in the background, converting to B&W has made it blend a bit better into the background. The buildings reflection in the bonnet is also pointing to the the Spirit of Ecstasy which is nice. I'd be tempted to brighten the statuette a bit to bring out the detail in the face and a bit of the body.

I hope you don't find this too harsh. I posted on another thread earlier that if people put the 'Critique' tag on their thread then they should hopefully expect, and get, more in depth critique.

I know it was not the ideal situation, especially with the bright background on half of the street, and you had to try and make the best of what had. I think #6 does that. :)
Thanks redhed for your comments - there is no need to apologise as I asked for criticism and appreciate receiving it - there a number of points you made I hadn't thought of so its a good learning experience for me.

I should point out - I don't really like the Phantom either, as a car. But to photograph it has interesting features and dimensions I think.

Just some comment and questions on your points:

1. I was aware of the people on the right being a distraction so I tried using a custom vignette (basically heavy burning) to bring attention on the car - I could try a heavier burn. I hadn't noticed the background building was sinking before! Again I could try burning or blurring to improve the image?

2. yes the lean is just the uwa lens distortion - i didnt apply any correction.

3. I could try desaturating a bit the left building and its reflection - just get rid of that yellow. I levelled the image using the square base of the statue but in hindsight I think I can adjust using the top of the wings to get it straighter.

4. I pushed the background exposure deliberately - kind of high key effect to keep the attention on the statue.

5. I know the background is distracting - thinking maybe I could use some blur filters to throw the background out a bit more.

6. This is becoming my favourite shot - i will take a look at your suggestion and apply a little dodging.

3 & 5 for me, thanks for sharing.
6. Like it, especially with the fag smoking geezer behing. Nice contrast.
Some re-ups, hopefully improved a bit.

no.1 with a heavier vignette

no. 5 again:

no.6 with a bit of dodge
