weekly rpn's 2020 52 Photo Challenge - Week 52 DECORATIONS Added ***COMPLETE***

Thats my kind of train nice and colourful too, nice story to very amusing, I think we have all been there.
Static is a really nice colourful image. You've handled the light very well, nicely balanced shadows and harsh sunlight in the background - good job.
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Static is a really nice colourful image. You've handled the light very well, nicely balanced shadows and harsh sunlight in the background - good job.

Thanks, Jim. All thanks to HDR processing by Nik. I've tried the HDR in PS6 and Photomatix Pro but they were too harsh and wash-out.
Very frustrating Stan! But I can see their point, making sure they avoid other people.

But the wait was certainly worth the result (y)
10 out of 10 for persistence Stan - and well worth the effort.
Nice colourful shot for static.
Graceful - I'm really surprised, I thought there would be a lot of swan shots for this theme, but no... I think this is the only one.
Nicely executed, works really well with the blue and green of the water. Liking hte colours you have captured.
Static - Looks like a fun park and that's a pretty good representation of an industrial. Liking the colours that were captured. Wondering what other angles you have (I may have perhaps tried to get the giraffes out of the trees).
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Graceful - I'm really surprised, I thought there would be a lot of swan shots for this theme, but no... I think this is the only one.
Nicely executed, works really well with the blue and green of the water. Liking hte colours you have captured.
Static - Looks like a fun park and that's a pretty good representation of an industrial. Liking the colours that were captured. Wondering what other angles you have (I may have perhaps tried to get the giraffes out of the trees).

Dave -Oy- swan is way better shot than mine.

That playpark is my granddaughter's favourite when even she visits us and is known as Choo Choo Park to her.
The things you have to do in the name of art. That is a very nice static train, I imagine it's the sort of play park Tim played in as a child.
you have done a good job of bringing the shadows out.
Great colours in your static shot - and nice to see the train being recycled / repurposed! And definitely been there with the frustrations... Well done for persevering!
Great angle and well taken.

Thanks, David.

Great colours in your static shot - and nice to see the train being recycled / repurposed! And definitely been there with the frustrations... Well done for persevering!

Thanks, Alex. I'm happy I got there in the end.
An early one for me this week. The camera was set on a tripod pointing vertically up and not so easy to line up to be exactly symmetrical but close enough. I waited a good 10 minutes for a break in the cloud for a bit of colour to add some interest to the otherwise pretty boring shot.

Week 32 Patterns

Patterns by Stan, on Flickr
Really like this shot Stan, many many years ago when I shot film I lay down under one of these and took the exactly same sort of shot while listening to the crackle of electricity.

Cheers, Dave. No crackle and pop here and the grass is overgrown under the pylon so no lying down on the job for me. ;)
I'm with Dave - this is a really nice shot, and not something I'd ever have thought of. The break in the cloud makes the shot here, but I can also see a shot in very high contrast B&W (a soot and whitewash type presentation).

Very nicely done!
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I'm with Dave - this is a really nice shot, and not something I'd ever have thought of. The break in the cloud makes the shot here, but I can also see a shot in very high contrast B&W (a soot and whitewash type presentation).

Very nicely done!

Thanks, Alex. Agree that there are many ways and methods to process the shot. I thought with the gloomy world we are experiencing just now a bit of colour wouldn't go amiss.

I did a shot very similar to this a few years back for Symmetrical. It works very well, it is strange under the pylons, you can feel the electricity sometimes..
I don't think you are that far off of symetrical, and you have done a good job not blowing out the sky.
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I did a shot very similar to this a few years back for Symmetrical. It works very well, it is strange under the pylons, you can feel the electricity sometimes..
I don't think you are that far off of symetrical, and you have done a good job not blowing out the sky.

Cheers, Clive. Actually I've to dial in an additional +1/2 EV compensation to bring up the sky exposure.
That's a belter :)
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Well, what a right old palaver. It was worth it though.

Great shot.
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Very nice! the regular irregularity really works (if you know what I mean ;) )
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That works really well Stan!
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Great shot Stan, even though it makes me feel a little dizzy :) . Well thought out.