weekly rpn's 52 Photo Challenge 2024 - Week 52 TRANSPORT & SHOWCASE Added - COMPLETED

Yep - soft it is :)
No fair. We only had ice and bittery cold wind.
I was going to ask about the photo looking a little soft, but I can see you've explained that :)

Thanks, Tim. Most of the snow are now gone waiting on Storm Isha to hit.

Yep - soft it is :)

Thanks, Dave. With a little help of Gaussian Blur in PS did the trick! ;)
Snow fits the theme, Isha has certainly arrived. For once the forecasters did not over estimate it
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Good one for the theme, don't think we will see any for a bit with all this wind we're having!
Got to love the first snow fall. Looks beautiful until it all goes slushy!
Good one for the theme, don't think we will see any for a bit with all this wind we're having!

Cheers, Simon. Knowing the UK's weather they'll soon make another appearance.

Got to love the first snow fall. Looks beautiful until it all goes slushy!

Thanks, Sophie.
The way the snow drapes over the leaves emphasises the softness.

I don't think I have had snow here for a few years now. A few frosty nights and the occasional hail shower is about all we get.
Thanks, @bailout
There'll more
to come yet up here. Some years we get snow in late March early April.
Nice curved line Stan!
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Don't get me wrong, I love long exposure water and this is really nice, but the sunrise photos on your Flickr are beautiful! Why did you decide against those?
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Don't get me wrong, I love long exposure water and this is really nice, but the sunrise photos on your Flickr are beautiful! Why did you decide against those?

Thanks Nick for the nice words and very kind of you for dropping by to visit my Flickr page. Those sunrise shots were never intended for the theme and I also feel there aren't enough subject matter (water) to fit the theme anyway.

As the the Waterfall shot, I set the camera, on tripod, about 15 inches from the ground. No filter was used, cloudy sky and quite late in the afternoon. Hence 6.5 seconds exposure time.
Those sunrise shots... there aren't enough subject matter (water) to fit the theme anyway.

You know someone's serious about staying on topic when pictures of the sea aren't watery enough.
Long exposure works well on this shot. Not always the case, but this one’s a winner
Long exposure works well on this shot. Not always the case, but this one’s a winner

Thanks, Alan. I let the camera to set the shutter speed and it got it just about prefect. Long enough to smooth out the pools of water but also short enough to retain motion and texture at the waterfall.
Soft: Lucky you... we just had drizzle down here. Nice one
Water: You've got the shutter speed spot on to capture the movement in the water.
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Lovely long exposure shot and what Nick said- would have been tempted to post one of the sunrise shots on your Flickr
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Lovely long exposure shot and what Nick said- would have been tempted to post one of the sunrise shots on your Flickr

Thank you, Keith.

Great Water shot, lovely curve of the water leading us through the shot and the slow shutter speed makes it look like a nice serene place you could just sit and enjoy the peace.

Thanks, Paul. I'm happy with the result.