weekly rpn's 52 Photo Challenge 2024 - Week 38 PEOPLE Added

Now you sat, I can see it’s the wing mirror. Great idea, seize the moment, and good to head outside comfort zone. I find these street shots challenging but will keep practicing as I like the results.
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Now you sat, I can see it’s the wing mirror. Great idea, seize the moment, and good to head outside comfort zone. I find these street shots challenging but will keep practicing as I like the results.

Thanks, Alan. I'm in the same boat as you regarding street photos. I once asked an older fisherman mending his net if it ok to take a photo of him while he carried on with his activity. I got a stern look and a firm NO! That was the start and the end of street, people photography for me. :LOL:
Nice idea for tools. Reminds me of the work of Chema Madoz who is well worth checking out.

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Thanks, Alan. I'm in the same boat as you regarding street photos. I once asked an older fisherman mending his net if it ok to take a photo of him while he carried on with his activity. I got a stern look and a firm NO! That was the start and the end of street, people photography for me. :LOL:

Asking is where you went wrong Stan. :)

I take a lot of photos of people on the street - and all candid.

Your out of car shot is an interesting one :)
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Nice idea for tools. Reminds me of the work of Chema Madoz who is well worth checking out.

Thanks, Bob. Some interesting images there and mostly monotone.

Asking is where you went wrong Stan. :)

I take a lot of photos of people on the street - and all candid.

Your out of car shot is an interesting one :)

Cheers, Dave. Now I know where I've gone wrong and I thought I was being polite and respectful to ask first. Next time I just stick my biggest 200-500mm lens right next to their faces then ask the question after! :LOL: :LOL: :ROFLMAO:
Thanks, Bob. Some interesting images there and mostly monotone.

Cheers, Dave. Now I know where I've gone wrong and I thought I was being polite and respectful to ask first. Next time I just stick my biggest 200-500mm lens right next to their faces then ask the question after! :LOL: :LOL: :ROFLMAO:
As the old pro that took me under his wing as a press togger many years ago told me. It's easier to apologise than to get permission :D
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