Ruddy and Common Darters, and unknown spider.


Likes to peek
I don't even know anymore!
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First is a mature female Common Darter (Sympetrum striolatum).
It's not the best composition, nor the sharpest, but just as I took the photo, she cocked her head on one side...and I swear it looks like she is laughing at me!!:giggle:

Common Darter mature female 1
by Gareth Bellamy, on Flickr

Second is a mature female Ruddy Darter (Sympetrum sanguineum).
As she was being very patient with me, I shot quite a few....these are the best three....notice the damage to her lower left wing.

Ruddy Darter mature female 3
by Gareth Bellamy, on Flickr

Ruddy Darter mature female 2
by Gareth Bellamy, on Flickr

Ruddy Darter mature female 1
by Gareth Bellamy, on Flickr

And finally, an unknown (to me) spider munching on what looks to be a Four Spotted Chaser Dragonfly....I could be (and probably am) wrong however!!
Is anyone able to identify this roguish little monster?!

Spider 1
by Gareth Bellamy, on Flickr

Thank you for looking folks!:)
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Nice set Gareth (y)
Love the first one.
It does like she's laughing at you.

Thank you kindly Bob!(y)
She wouldn't be the first 'lady' that has laughed at me....and doubtless she won't be the last!!:ROFLMAO:

Nice set Gareth (y)

Thank you for looking Chris, I appreciate the positive comment!(y)
Yeah the first is not as good the rest but the rest are good.