Samyang 14mm Lens Profile

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Hi All
My birthday pressie today was a Samyang 14mm 2.8 to go on my Nikon D610. I have had a wee play to try it out and I think it seems ok, I just have to practice with manual focussing but it seems pretty easy. I was wondering about a lens profile for LR. I have looked online but still can't seem to find what I am looking for. Can anyone point me in the right direction please? I am using an iMac which is also new and Im still trying to get to grips with that too.

Many thanks
Check this out.

Rokinon and Samyang are the same company.

I've not used the site for lens profile, but I do intend to get the 14mm next year :)

Cheer and let me know if it works (y)
Check this out.

Rokinon and Samyang are the same company.

I've not used the site for lens profile, but I do intend to get the 14mm next year :)

Cheer and let me know if it works (y)

Hi Andy

Well, after faffing about all day trying to get my head around this, downloading Adobe Air as instructed and then Adobe lens profile Downloader, not being able to install said Downloader as my Mac was set to only allow Apple things.....I had to admit defeat and ask him indoors how to do it:( He is more Windows orientated but solved the problem and I now have the profile installed How much difference it makes I'm not sure;) More testing and practice I think. Thanks for the link though it was very helpful.
This is out of the camera with above lens profile applied. I am new to manual focus but think this appears ok. ISO 500, F2.8 1/400 Can anyone cast an eye over this and let me know if I am on the right track?
It should make a noticeable difference, the Canon one does.
It's done the trick - it's sorted the moustache distortion this lens has (see the top of the bench, and other straight lines.
It's done the trick - it's sorted the moustache distortion this lens has (see the top of the ..bench, and other straight lines.

Thanks for looking Jim, I see what you mean about the bench. I have taken a few other test shots whilst out and about with the dog, I have to say I'm really impressed with the sharpness of the images. The first time I've really tried manual focus, but this lens makes it so easy. One thing I've noticed, when I set it to infinity, there seems lots of give either side of the position. (Hope that makes sense)