Saturdays Mini Beasts

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A Bee Fly


I think this is a member of Elateridae - Click beetles possibly Stenagostus rhombeus, it was about 2cm long

trange creatures these Beeflies, This one has a lovely colour and patterning on the wings, Great find.
Yes that looks like a click beetle, another nice find.
The common and widespread Beefly, Bombylius major (which is what this is - with the choclate brown front edge to the wing), is nearly over now for this year. They have been getting a bit thin on the ground over the past few days around my way. This one has lost most of the fur down the centre of its thorax!
Great couple of shots Geoff, like Stuart says the Bee Fly season for adults is coming to an end and they should have all gone by the middle to end of May. This Dark-edged Bee fly is by far the commonest one where I live along with the Dotted Bee fly.
Nice shots Geoff
I saw a beefly last week it was only the second one I have seen
Thanks everyone, it's the first Beefly I've seen this year as I've not been able to get out to my usual bug hunting spots.