Scot's quine's 52 Challenge for 2021 - Week 52 added

Lovely Dobbin shot!
For my taste, it could do with a shade more contrast. You've worked a portrait well into the square crop IMO. That can be tricky sometimes.
Had just looked at it again before I saw your comment and had thought it needed just a smidgeon more contrast - so we agree!

Thanks everyone, not my horse, just a random in the field next to the whippet racing.
Clever work on 'Glass', very good.

Charming picture of the horse.
Now THAT is totally bonkers - I love it :D
Not sure how that's done, but it's pretty effective! Fantastic for the theme and very clever use of software - well done!
No not underwater but part of a bouquet of flowers I received at the beg of the month. They are fab and all 'exotics'.
Love a Teasel - nicely done :)
Plenty of doors there Joan (y)
I really like the TR3 too, I had a TR2 in my younger days :)

Not sure if this counts as architecture but the building is nice.

Ah, I know this one. it's the Falkirk Wheel.
I would say it absolutely counts, and that's a great shot lit up like that with the reflections. I think I've only eer seen daylight shots before !
Lovely pictures, my eye was drawn to the Triumph too. I also like how colourful the Falkirk wheel is in the last picture.
The Falkirk Wheel has been on my list for yonks! Nice shot!
Absolutely it counts (y)
Great colour and perfect reflection. I like the way you've used the fence as a leading line.

Last day of the whippet racing season here and it was a dreich miserable day. Pic is quite noisy because of the rain and the high ISO.

WEEK 41 - RED.jpg
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It fits the theme nicely :)
Conditions considering, a good shot on theme and capturing the athleticism of the dog!
Great action shot and fits the theme perfectly.