Seagull 4A

I use one, albeit a much older model that I got for MUCH less money than that. I really like it, though the lens isn't the sharpest in the world. There are a lot of stories about unreliable ones that break easily or don't wind the film (and count frames) properly but I think these are symptoms associated with the more modern ones (quality control has gone down with the capitalistic advances in modern China?)

Save yourself a lot of money and get yourself a better TLR by heading over to EBay and getting something second hand.
I've used the older model. You should be able to get a used one of these quite cheap. They have been around for years in much the same format. Not as good as the big names like Yashica or Minolta but a good starting point. £240 seems a bit steep though. Personally I'd look for a nice second hand TLR.
Woa!! that is incredibly expensive for a Seagull. :eek:

Like the others, I would much rather have something like a mamiya TLR or any of the MF SLR's that can be had from ebay or the likes for the same or less money.
Jesus I paid less than that for my Bronica.
Seagull tlrs are copies of (I think) Rolleiflex cameras, I have a 4b made for china version that I got pretty much for nothing, it's a decent enough tlr but no way is it worth £240 when you can buy a genuine Rolleiflex for half that albeit second hand.
I saw a very nece mint, recently serviced, Rolleiflex in portobello market today, 2.8 lens but they were asking £500 for it.
I am looking for something arrount £200 max really and I like it to be vintage rather than new. I am thinking about a Rolleicord or a yashica now to start with.