weekly Seaodysseys 52 for 2021 (Critique Welcome) Week 51 & 52

Defo irregular - bet it's a bugger to mow :D
That's pretty irregular!
Not my idea of a nice garden, but each to their own - maybe he's stopping people parking!
Maybe that his reason, but well over the top.
Very irregular, good match for the theme definitely not my idea of a garden for me!
Nor mine
Irregular in more ways than one' .. bizarre!
I have to agree
Yes its a bit weird, but certainly on theme :)
Just as well, but this was the backup for the week, but then I failed to think of anything else.
That is a very irregular garden. Well spotted. How odd!
I go past it most days taking Dudley for his walk
Defo irregular - bet it's a bugger to mow :D
maybe he is onto a winner there, must save hours over the course of the year as well as not having to buy a mower.

Thanks All for your comments.

Week 43 Halloween

As an old school person, I do not like Halloween, It's just an inported American Thing,
But here is my Image, again a neighbour supplied the goods and it was taken on the night.

Week 43 Halloween by Peter Dyson, on Flickr

Heh. Irregular made me chuckle. "No one is parking on my garden!".

I'm not a Halloween fan either. But I think your image suits the theme perfectly. The fact it is taken and not a setup I think makes it a little bit more "genuine" for want of a better word...
I can only agree on your comment! The image works well.

Heh. Irregular made me chuckle. "No one is parking on my garden!".

I'm not a Halloween fan either. But I think your image suits the theme perfectly. The fact it is taken and not a setup I think makes it a little bit more "genuine" for want of a better word...
Thank you both

I have to agree with your thoughts on "begging with menaces"
but being topical it had to be done ;)

It works well Pete
Whatever happened to duck apple that’s what we used to do on Halloween.
Nicely lit skull and on theme for the current version Halloween
Nice shot. I'm also in agreement with the sentiment on the occasion - at least "penny for the guy" had some effort involved!
Nicely lit skull and a hidden skeleton at the bottom, I find Halloween amusing but its the wanton vandalism on mischief night I can't abide.
I have to agree with your thoughts on "begging with menaces"
but being topical it had to be done ;)

It works well Pete
Thanks Chris
Whatever happened to duck apple that’s what we used to do on Halloween.
Nicely lit skull and on theme for the current version Halloween
Thank you Allan
Completely agree with your sentiments. Great image, well captured and perfectly on theme.
Cheers Bebop
Nice shot. I'm also in agreement with the sentiment on the occasion - at least "penny for the guy" had some effort involved!
Thank you Helen
Nicely lit skull and a hidden skeleton at the bottom, I find Halloween amusing but its the wanton vandalism on mischief night I can't abide.
Thank you Simon

Thank you all for your comments, seems like a lot of people are not into Halloween.

Nice colours & nice light Pete.
Lovely autumn colours and you had a great blue sky to complement it (unlike mine!). Spot on for the theme.
Nice bright colourful image I also took one similar but wasn’t happy with it
I really like the gold to green fade down the frame, and the sky sets it off nicely.
Lovely colours in your underneath shot. Perfectly on theme and nicely captured.
Thank you Bebop
Nice colours & nice light Pete.
Thanks Chris
Lovely autumn colours and you had a great blue sky to complement it (unlike mine!). Spot on for the theme.
Thanks Simon
Nice bright colourful image I also took one similar but wasn’t happy with it
Thanks Allan
I really like the gold to green fade down the frame, and the sky sets it off nicely.
Thank you Nick

Thank you all for taking the time to comment.

Fab shot under the tree - big print job!
Lovely colours in there. I have something similar but didn't get the beautiful light and sky.
By 'eck that was quick! Archive shots I assume?

Nicely done - and of course it won;t sink... it's a TANK Engine :)
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By 'eck that was quick! Archive shots I assume?

Nicely done - and of course it won;t sink... it's a TANK Engine :)

Nice work.

Did you have this in mind when these were shot - or is it a happy coincidence that they fit?
They are archive shots, the canal is local to me and the train is from Yorkshire earlier this year. I did have them in mind as I could not think of getting other photos to work. I was gong to try and get a canal boat up on the railway line over the bridge, but that was not going to work. I think it works well with the mural of the train going the other way on the wall behind.

Nice done composite.
Thank You.
Week 46 Back of & technique

Tp 52 Week by Peter Dyson, on Flickr

This is the back of a windmill near New Bradwell and the Sky has been replaced with another one I took a bit later on the same day.
I need to work out the masking of the branches on the right hand side.

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That's quite an imposing angle Pete.

Masking always causes me issues too, and TBH on something like that, I would have just cloned them out.
Nice and different perspective on the windmill.
I can't even attempt masking yet, so well done for attempting it, but like Cobra says, I'd have probably cloned them out.
That's quite an imposing angle Pete.

Masking always causes me issues too, and TBH on something like that, I would have just cloned them out.
There is not much room around the back of the windmill, but I liked the image.
I also liked the branches, to add a bit of balance to the right.

Nice and different perspective on the windmill.
I can't even attempt masking yet, so well done for attempting it, but like Cobra says, I'd have probably cloned them out.
Thanks Simon
As mentioned above just clone them out I don’t think you could do anything else with them
Thank you Allan
That fits the bill nicely. Well done on the composite. It looks very tricky around the branches - I would have to have cheated by getting rid of them too :)
Thanks Bebop
Great composite didn't notice the sky had been swapped out for a different one.
Thank you Simon.
