Seeing Scotland DVD

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Presented by world-renowned landscape photographer Charlie Waite, Seeing Scotland is a ground-breaking 6 part series that explores and discusses the inspiration, dedication and human interest behind photography.

Each journey takes a look into one of the many elements involved in making a photograph, from light, through to composition, wildlife and even ways of improving portraiture. Set amid some of Scotland's most stunning scenery, and enlivened by Charlie's encounters with local characters along the way, Seeing Scotland is a lavish pictorial celebration with breathtaking images, both moving and still.
Knowing my celtophilia, I may have to have a look at getting that one. Might me a bit sick though (jealousy)

Cheers for the link.
I clicked & ordered! Good ol' Charlie (as in Waite, not in Kate Moss).
Well, I've decided to sod the DVD and put the money towards my Scotland mission next year. 3 Months of blissful solitude in the inner and outer hebrides, living in a van. No internet, no work. Just me, some tunes, a camera and a very long beard by the time I get back!
gandhi said:
Well, I've decided to sod the DVD and put the money towards my Scotland mission next year. 3 Months of blissful solitude in the inner and outer hebrides, living in a van. No internet, no work. Just me, some tunes, a camera and a very long beard by the time I get back!

3 months .... No internet, no work ? You lucky bugger.

Wait a minute. Does that mean I have to pay taxes to keep you ?
3 months ? you lazy sod.
Find a job. :hissyfit:
Unless hes staying with Bachs or Garnock :)
Sounds good gandhi. Go for it! Very tempted to take a similar amount of time off via a career break after 23 years with the same Dept. Just needs planning... :cool:
milou said:
Sounds good gandhi. Go for it! Very tempted to take a similar amount of time off via a career break after 23 years with the same Dept. Just needs planning... :cool:

Snap!!! I have been in the same job for 23 years unbroken service.. :smilenod:
Watch out for me on the roads.. :woot:

busterboy said:
Snap!!! I have been in the same job for 23 years unbroken service.. :smilenod:
Watch out for me on the roads.. :woot:
This must be a mid-life thing. After a mere 22.5 years with the same company I am now 9 months into my planned year off. I can heartily recommend it as it really helps to put things into perspective.
Mind you it can be very expensive having all that extra spare time :)
Garnock said:
3 months .... No internet, no work ? You lucky bugger.

Wait a minute. Does that mean I have to pay taxes to keep you ?
3 months ? you lazy sod.
Find a job. :hissyfit:

alas, no. This will be a combination of a) saving like a b*****d b) being lent a van c) having the cheapest rent in Bath and currently no debts d) me being allowed to sub-let my flat for 3 months (understanding landlords) and d) the immense regret of not being able to do it last year as I was unemployed then for 6 months.

Besides, The DWP won't pay for my holiday grrrrr.

I managed 16 years in the same career before I just couldn't stand the sight of another hot x bun. I'm just filling time with my current job (no pun intended) until I can find something to do that doesn't seem like work, but pays enough to keep me in Food & drink and trips abroad.

It seems to be a bit endemic in my friends at the moment. One has just a left a job with A defence company to become a teacher, another has just left a very promising career in retail for an unknown quantity, 2 have been living in spain for 6 months restoring a farmhouse after being teachers, and finaly one has left a job as a psychiatric nurse to set up a picture framing business.

I think it must be something in the air!

Thanks for the invite BTW Bachs ;) I may just have to pop round for a cup of tea at some point!