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Edit My Images

f11 100th
Crown Graphic / 135mm / fomapan / Handheld

Probably my favorite negative I have taken on large format and it has to be the one that was taken handheld hanging off the end of the cliff :D

It was taken at midday so I exposed for the harsh highlights which has turned the sea a dark black, I think the lens being shot at f11 has pronounced it. I like it but would appreciate any c&c.
I really like this Liam. It has a natural vignette and the eye is drawn to the centre of the image by the white water. If I was to be really, really picky I would say the top half is a tiny bit dark but to be honest I think its wonderful.

I'm finding it hard to like this I'm afraid :/
While the effect is pretty cool, with only the highlights really being visible, it just doesn't work for me. Being such a contrasty scene, I think you should have developed it for less contrast. It reckon it could have done with a little more exposure, your highlights look like they could have gone brighter, which wouldn't be too bad if it meant the shadows were brighter as well. All in all, it's just too dark to be able to see anything much.

I think the overall look is somewhat special though, so I guess opinions may be split on this one.
Yes i'm afraid i agree with mustanir on this one. It doesn't look too good on my laptop with only the highlights being visible. The laptop is calibrated too. Just too dark else where.
When I first looked at it on my laptop (which has the TP Black theme set) I didn't like it at all, to be honest. Now I'm on my desktop machine which is running the grey theme I like it a bit more - at least the image doesn't just bleed out into the surrounding page. Personally, I'd like to see a little more texture out of the sea - hopefully there's a little more detail in the negatives that you can dig out.
Thanks for the comments guys, I developed the negative correctly so there is detail in the sea and it isn't that contrasty. It was when I scanned it that I boosted the contrast, I might have another go but I want to try and keep the impact.

Here is the original scan, you can see the ledge at the bottom. I also scanned it in colour which means it has a very deep red tone that I wasn't sure if I liked..


And the ledge I was leaning off...

i really like it, quite an epic scene. love the sea showing its aggression at the base of the rock. i imagine it's pretty impressive to hold up the negative in front of you.

just one thing, the neg seems darker on the left side edge. did it develop unevenly? or a problem when scanning.. Just asking because I prefer the full size of the neg over the crop in the first pic

keep up the good work, great to have LF in the forum!
Whoops I posted the wrong negative, this is the actual one..


I took two as I was worried one might be blurred due to holding handheld, I also noticed that the left is slightly darker as its the same with both. Not sure if it is due to development or the fact that I boosted the contrast so much on the scan.

I would love to have another go at this when the light is good and some proper waves but then it might up the risks when taking it :D
Well it looks grand on my monitor with a lovely mix of textures and shades, but would probably look even better as a nice big print. I expect if you used a black mount, it'd stop you eyes wandering over that dark top right corner.

Cropping out the foreground definitely makes it more dramatic.