Shaggy Parasol & Magpie Inkcap

Amazing things, aren't they?
Well spotted and taken, Gav. #1 is my favourite (y)
Amazing things, aren't they?
They are, I don't normally go looking for them, but it was a nice change, they hide, but they don't run :LOL:
Reading some of the issues they cause if the wrong one is used as food is scary.

Well spotted and taken, Gav. #1 is my favourite (y)
Thank you, Chris :)
Very nice set of fungi macro/close up style captures Gav, there's so many different types about and some are really quite nice to look at with regards to shape & colour.
I saw the title and had no idea what I was going to find when I clicked on the link (I get to posts through 'New Posts' and don't tend to look at which of the fora it is posted in).

I'm glad I did, those are wonderful shots of amazing often overlooked parts of nature.

Thank you.
I saw the title and had no idea what I was going to find when I clicked on the link (I get to posts through 'New Posts' and don't tend to look at which of the fora it is posted in).

I'm glad I did, those are wonderful shots of amazing often overlooked parts of nature.

Thank you.
Much appreciated, Morris, glad you like them, Thank you for looking (y)