Should I? (Permission based)

Mike Whitmore
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I went to the grand opening of the new Highcross Shopping Centre in Leicester yesterday and kicked myself for not bringing my camera :( however being the honest soul I'am I asked at the customer info desk whether I would be allowed to take photos. She replied no photography whatsoever. I said is there a way I can apply for permission.

After a lot of umming and aahing and asking her colleague (who said just to carry on because lots of people were taking photographs that day) she gave me a number of someone in management to get permission off. I left a message on his voicemail but I doubt he'll get back to me soon as he'll be busy with the opening.

There was a lot of people with cameras yesterday, mainly P&S but the odd DSLR around, so really the question is should I just wing it and go and take photos or should I wait for this bloke to give me the go ahead (if he does decide to call back)

I can't think of any reason not take photos.

Surely its a public place whilst its open?
Tbh, I'd wait, if you've asked at least wait for an answer, as you say they are probably quite busy at the moment. If you ask and take pictures anyway you will get the first pictures but are more likely to say no in the future, but if you play it by the book you (and other photogs who ask in the future) are more likely to be allowed.

But more importantly - what is the new Apple shop like?
I'd go ahead, the most they can do is ask you to leave
Cheers for the replies chaps. I see a lot of people saying I should go for and to hell with the consequences should I get caught :p fair enough. I did explain to her that they weren't for the media and they were just for personal use. It's not like they didn't have enough TV crews there yesterday anyway.

Tbh, I'd wait, if you've asked at least wait for an answer, as you say they are probably quite busy at the moment. If you ask and take pictures anyway you will get the first pictures but are more likely to say no in the future, but if you play it by the book you (and other photogs who ask in the future) are more likely to be allowed.

But more importantly - what is the new Apple shop like?

Yeah, very true. I was going to go today but I'd rather wait until we get another day of blue sky before shooting in there. So maybe by then he will have got back to me.

The Apple store in there has probably got the highest staff:customer ratio I have ever seen! I'm interested in getting a Macbook anyway but I was asked if I wanted help about 6 times in the 5 minutes I was in there :LOL: they were all very friendly though and very knowledgeable.
Yeah I think I'm gonna just go in next time I'm free and we get a dry clear day. I was there last night and it looks just as stunning in the dark.
My approach is that its better to ask for forgiveness than permission! :naughty:
My approach is that its better to ask for forgiveness than permission! :naughty:

Haha :LOL: well of course I will be as polite as possible if I do get caught. Hopefully the security will be as understanding :bat: