Show us yer film shots then!

i tweaked these pics in lightroom but i reckon its just a case of getting used to the exposure system on the prism, might start reading a bit more about how it reads the image-its made a massive difference though so ta ekimeno :D
I might as well post mine properly here as we haven't had slide film here in a while.






Nice work Sid

I like the others on your blog as well, esp the woman looking in the window, great colour and composition

Nice work Sid

I like the others on your blog as well, esp the woman looking in the window, great colour and composition


Thanks there.

Those were Fuji Provia 100F and Kodak elitechrome 100 films and nikon F5

Developed by Bayeux in Newman street who are very good btw.

A fair few shots came a bit overexposed. I think I appreciate how much the exposure has to be nailed with these lot.

My first tests with Contax 645 some time ago.

Kodak T400CN





RIP Nala :(

Fuji Pro160


Have a look here - - it's all film (Kodak Tri-x and Tmax 400), but it's a flash presentation so I cannot link to individual photos... Enjoy!

This was a very enjoyable series. I can so much appreciate great street shooting and of course the look Tri-x and Tmax is second to none whwn exposed and processed right! Thank you for sharing.
After seeing all these shots, I think its time I got my old Canon A1 out also the Mamiya 220. I’ve still got a lot of film in the freezer, hope it is still usable.
Thanks for the inspiration every one.:)
I don't think I've posted this before. Originally shot on Velvia but it was way too much, however I quite like the mono equivalent:


Shot with my Deardorff on the massive Scotland trip earlier in the year :D

Sorry all I can say is **** that looks dam good!!!(y)
The dynamic range is still king. IMO digital is still not quite there.

I think the Fujifilm SP-2000 digital camera used here just manages to please me funny enough :D

EDIT: OK, OK - it's the scanner he used... nevermind me... carry on :)
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Its them there Fujifilm buggers, everything they make is subzero coolz.

What do they make that's crap ???

all their cameras are fabbo, scanners are the dogs nuts, even the film is bonza..


Vote Fujifilm for President..
I think the Fujifilm SP-2000 digital camera used here just manages to please me funny enough :D

EDIT: OK, OK - it's the scanner he used... nevermind me... carry on :)

Well, half right. Taken on Fujifilm Superia 200 35mm film, and then developed at Jessops. The film scanner must have embedded that info, which is a shame.

Lucky shot this, guestimated the aperture and speed and caught a lot of the shadowy detail without blowing out the light on the pillars. Maybe could do with a bit more exposure...
Strange how I have a natural aversion to print film and prefer to stick with slide, though I must say I've seen some really impressive shots taken on print. Especially your shots.

I think my aversion has to do with adding another development process and more chemicals to my already overstocked film/dev cupboard in the kitchen :) That and also because I'm in love with being able to view the film afterward... negs look horrible without inverting the image on the computer.
Memories of a 70's bedroom


This old wardrobe door was left in the front garden of a house being refurbished, I'm not sure but I think that might be Raquel Welch, pin-up in many teenage boys bedroom in the 1970's.


Skateboard graveyard


It's worth having a look at this at full size, you can see all the broken and snappped skateboards that have been thrown off Hungerford Bridge near the Southbank.

Balloon festival


All these were taken on Neopan 400 with my Ebay bargain Nikon F4 and processed at home in Rodinal. These are the first photo's I've developed at home for about 20 years and apart from a couple of scratches and some drying marks I'm quite pleased with the results.
finally scanned 5 rolls of film in today, 35mm and 120.






and now for you daily dose of grain,


must remember to clean the scanner next time!
I love number 1, great colours and a good spot. I'm trying to keep an eye out for more stuff like this myself atm.

Another landscape from me, Black Rock in the peaks (I think its black rock, I'm sure someone will correct me if not :D)

I don't like the bottom bit, I want to crop it but I'll burn in hell, so I'd have to re-shoot..:(

Its dark, but that's ok its a great looking rock in that kind of light, nice contrast with the clouds.
reminds me of a face, it has forehead wrinkles, smile lines and cheek bones..
I don't like the bottom bit, I want to crop it but I'll burn in hell, so I'd have to re-shoot..:(

Its dark, but that's ok its a great looking rock in that kind of light, nice contrast with the clouds.
reminds me of a face, it has forehead wrinkles, smile lines and cheek bones..

I know what you mean about the bottom bit, it's a PITA as it's all gravelly rubbish up there and there's not much you can do with it. Most of my shots of the peaks end up quite dark, just seems to be the way of them I think :thinking:

How's this crop?


While I'm at it I might as well put some other peak shots up:

2. A reworing of an older shot, probably back on page 10 or something

3. My favourite of the set
That is CHS 25 in Rodinal 1:100 for 18 mins, 4 inversions per minute over 10 secs in a Paterson tank that takes 2 120 reels. The shot is under exposed by about a stop, I think i was 4 seconds exposure with the mamiya 6 and 50mm.

I've had to play a bit with levels but I think it's a very doable print job in the darkroom, no complicated D&B and no harsh contrast changes needed

I think I prefer the 645 crop, I like the far right split in the rock
I do like #1 the wooden feeding trough?

Realy like the use of DOF on it


paste into the "insert image" icon when composing a post, or wrap image tags around the URL.
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This is Kardos image, he's having trouble embedding his photos into a post, so I did this for him.
Just clearing that up before it gets confusing....:D
I didn't like Cleethorpes much for a day out, but there's always something to waste some film on, wherever you go..:LOL:




Here's are couple from my last trip to a beach in Cyprus this summer.

Nikon F90, Nikkor 50mm f1.8, Kodak Portra 160, scanned on an Epson V500


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