Show us yer film shots then!

The bar is certainly being raised guys... :clap:

Time to get out with my camera again - just waiting for my Fuji GA645i rangefinder to arrive! :)
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Time to get out with my camera again - just waiting for my Fuji GA645i rangefinder to arrive! :)

I wondered what you were going to get next Mike, I wait with interest to see your setup/photos and how you get on with this one.
The bar is certainly being raised guys... :clap:

Time to get out with my camera again - just waiting for my Fuji GA645i rangefinder to arrive! :)

These are great camera's. I had a fiddle with my bro's GW690III before he sold it. It feels plasticy and huge to hold to your face but the lens is superb and the negatives simply massive!

Billingsgate Market (London's main wholesale fish market)


Larger version:


larger version:
It's been a while since I have posted here but have been enjoying the images very much. I am simply amazed at how the quality has gone up and the bar raised to a new level...Hence, time to bring it down a bit :)

Pentax ME Super, Tokina 28 with With Fuji ProZ 800

The vignette was caused by me adding a hood to the lens. I was surprised to see this.
Rethymnon, Crete, this summer, shot on a Beier Beirax with a Ludwig of Dresden Victar 105/4.5 lens and Fuji Reala 100 film. Not a bad result for a camera made in about 1937 with a triplet lens, I think.

just waiting for my Fuji GA645i rangefinder to arrive!

I'm jealous. I wanted one of those a few years ago when I was looking for a compact, carryable medium format camera..... Not sure how I ended up with an RB67 instead though!

Nice set there Sam (y)

If you're developing/scanning yourself, I'd suggest cleaning your negs before scanning - 5 hard blows with a rocket blower on each side usually does the trick for me. Also make sure your scanner glass is clean and dust free (again rocket blower works well on the glass in between scans).

I spend very little time using the clone tool in photoshop since starting this method :)
They are very cool sam, I like the dust and hairs on the images makes sure everyone knows you shoot film and gives them character.
Nice set there Sam (y)

If you're developing/scanning yourself, I'd suggest cleaning your negs before scanning - 5 hard blows with a rocket blower on each side usually does the trick for me. Also make sure your scanner glass is clean and dust free (again rocket blower works well on the glass in between scans).

I spend very little time using the clone tool in photoshop since starting this method :)

Thanks, and yes, I am very lazy so although I give them a quick clean they are often still dusty.

They are very cool sam, I like the dust and hairs on the images makes sure everyone knows you shoot film and gives them character.

Cheers :)
Promised (okay threatened) to post a few more shots ^^^ up there...

Here we go...

1. To the Secret Garden

2. Tree

3. Hole in the Lawn

There - that should get the bar lowered again :LOL:

All shot on Tmax 400, Ilfosol 3 1+9, Canoscan 8800/Silverfast SE, edges tidied up in PS & framed.
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OK, not film shots, but I thought it relevant, especially since I've not taken a film shot for two months until a little flurry today since the Fuji arrived - my film camera collection as it stands today:

Minolta XG9, Fujica ST605, Canonet

Fuji GA645i and Contax G2

OK, not film shots, but I thought it relevant, especially since I've not taken a film shot for two months until a little flurry today since the Fuji arrived - my film camera collection as it stands today:

Minolta XG9, Fujica ST605, Canonet

Fuji GA645i and Contax G2

I love old cams like that. I have around 15 or so and my collection is growing and I am trying not to grow it, but it grows....
Ooo - don't get me on camera collections! I got loads here - not even sure how many and I really am trying to thin them out... but then another one that doesn't work comes along so I buy it and fix it and tidy it up. And it stays... along with all the others that came before it. It's like a vet's reunion around here!

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My children...

The Half Frames (and some little full frames at the end with no proper home yet)

The Voigtlanders - and a major Bilora rebuilder

The Workers - note pimped FX's :D

As has been said, they are magnetic, they draw others to themselves - they're like fairy rings in the garden, one day nothing next day Poouf! another one. I do love it though - I love the way they feel, the fact that you can appreciate the engineering just by holding them. I love the way they look, sometimes pretty for the sake of it, because they could. I love the way they work, the clicks, whirrs and buzzes. I love the smell of the leather cases, the faint tinny smell of the camera itself. I love that every previous owner has left their mark on the camera, by a rubbed corner through to that hidden brass, or even a wee ding.

Sorry, got a bit whimsical there... There is a Halina TLR that has yet to be put anywhwere, not used it yet but it has been stripped/sorted/prepared for action though. Maybe soon when I get some 120.

Arthur - got loads of Tarons too but they are in a box ready to go, a sad day that will be :(
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First shots in 2-3 month roughly. Taken with my new Fuji GA645i (thanks jimlizard :)) - shot and developed today on Provia 400X.






Love the colours, last one does it for me but I am a tree-person really, I like the way you kept the foreground under-cooked. Not really sure at all about the others, I mean they are nice enough - just don't leap out and bite me past the admittedly excellent colour.


PS - these are supposed to be a bit of fun, my first film for about 24 years...




I deliberately looked for "old" pictures to take, these are some I messed with after scanning.
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I take it these are from your Nettar 645? It looks as if you have a good one. Try a colour film in good light with reasonably careful exposure and you should get some really good stuff out of it.

Love the colours, last one does it for me but I am a tree-person really, I like the way you kept the foreground under-cooked. Not really sure at all about the others, I mean they are nice enough - just don't leap out and bite me past the admittedly excellent colour.


PS - these are supposed to be a bit of fun, my first film for about 24 years...




I deliberately looked for "old" pictures to take, these are some I messed with after scanning.
Hi Paul - ... these are from the Canion Dial actually! I've still not finished the film in the Nettar.

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Zenit 11- FP4+ @ ISO 50.



Both shot on Portabello beach before I started to freeze to death a give up.
I like these, pity about the thumbs! May I suggest...


Not keen on the big fishnet thing and the blur on the left too, so get rid of both... then centred the subject, cloned the white dots on the feet, boosted contrast a tad and dropped down to BW gif. Whatever, you could even crop a wee bit more and use it as an Avatar!

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Hi everyone, great to see a film based forum(y) just dug my kit out of storage and feel inspired by all the great shots!
Sorry i don't have anything recent but here are some old ones, can't remeber film details etc.
