Show us yer film shots then!

A few from my first roll of Kodak 400CN. I like it actually. :D


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A few of my friends lovely horse Bella, photographed with a Fuji GW690III on Neopan 400 and Fuji 400H scanned on a Hasselblad X1.
I don't shoot these films very often so was good to have a play.



Wandsworth park

Another in Wandsworth park

I name this "Still getting used to the view finder!"

Love thy Lubitel!

Testing out the AE1 for the first time with the Vivitar 135mm 2.8 - This is the first roll of film I think I have ever shot :eek: I have to say, looking through the viewfinder feels SO much nicer than my 40D with 85mm...

This was my favorite shot from the roll.

Testing out the AE1 for the first time with the Vivitar 135mm 2.8 - This is the first roll of film I think I have ever shot :eek: I have to say, looking through the viewfinder feels SO much nicer than my 40D with 85mm...

This was my favorite shot from the roll.


Very nice. What a wonderful portrait....

I love my AE-1. I find the metering in it to be so near perfect and everything about it is simply wonderful.
Excellent portrait Rob - absoloutely bang on (y)

Got me feeling nostalgic for my old AE-1 as well - fantastic little camera, bought mine while on a climbing trip in the alps to replace a Practika MTL-3 that I dropped from a bivi ledge on the Aig. Du Midi. Used the AE-1 for best part of 7 years, 'till it was nicked from the back of my van, along with my other prize posession, a 1989 Pace RC100 mountainbike :crying:

Repeat : I must not trawl fleabay for black AE-1's...I must not trawl fleabay for black AE-1's...I must not trawl fleabay for black AE-1's...I must not trawl fleabay for black AE-1's...I must not trawl fleabay for black AE-1's...I must not trawl fleabay for black AE-1's...I must not trawl fleabay for black AE-1's...I must not trawl fleabay for black AE-1's...
wow WBLATI. This is one of my favourite pubs for a lunchtime pint; ....or two.

Got to take a few shots of this pub.....yours is great.

If its close to your office; lets meet up some day

My eyes, my eyes! What is this I see before me? Colour???!!!

Anyway, first roll back ... disappointed with a lot but I think I took too many without thinking - need to be calmer next time and walk on if there's no shot.

Nikon F65, Superia 400, developed at Snappy Snaps
It's from Southbank, London


Largeness here
Wehay! Loads of great film shots. Good work everyone.

Here is my most recent favourite:


Amazing what one can get with a handheld Pentacon Six at 1/30sec! :)

That is just god damn lovely, might have to try me some tri-x at some point.

What are you scanning with to get the film border included?

and now, time to lower the level again. Some recent dross from me.

Leicestershire Landscape (couldn't think of a snappy title so went for descriptive)


Winter Layers


To the point

Nice shots Kev.

Got my first roll back from Peak Imaging that I'd run through my Agfa Clack. Tried out some Velvia 50, here's a couple of samples:



It's surprisingly good for a "toy" camera shooting 6x9 negatives, there's some obvious chromatic aberration laterally but it's tolerably sharp even.

Here's some from my "proper" toy camera, the Holga 120N, taken on Superia 400:




Larger sizes on my flickr, feedback welcome :wave:
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Deckard - those look fantastic. Off to view your flickr in a mo.

Couple more from my lone colour film experiment ... these of London South Bank and taken on Superia 400 with a Nikon F65 (stuck in auto mode) and processed by Snappy Snaps. (It's Peak Imaging/Ilford Lab all the way from now on -- the only thing Snappy Snaps has going for it is speed - sometimes).


Cheers Jon, nice shots too. Peak Imaging were actually pretty quick [if not exactly cheap] as IIRC I sent my films off on Monday or Tuesday and got them back this morning, which I thought was pretty good.
Thanks guys, I dunno, I don't think I process curves very well for B/W, lots of same tone grey..:shrug:, its tough protecting detail though.

Not sure if I've got this right I've never posted an image before, but this is off my first roll of film taken last week. I'm pleased with it, look forward to your comments.:clap:
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Not sure if I've got this right I've never posted an image before, but this is off my first roll of film taken last week. I'm pleased with it, look forward to your comments.:clap:

It's a really nice image. If I have one criticism - and feel free to ignore me because I'm so far from being an expert it's not true - it's that the fields appear to be in shadow so it's not as vibrant as it might have been at a different time.
You kept that one quiet you little tinker. That bad boy needs printing.

Massimo Dutti - Regent Street

Bessa R2
35mm f1.7 Ultron
Iford Delta 400
Canon Canoscan 5000f
I'm just checking with the boss to see if either day this weekend are okay. Sunday might be best as we're off out on Saturday night and making prints always takes longer than expected. My new 120 contact sheet printer arrived today, will be loads easier to use than the universal one I've got.

Aquascutum - Regent Street

Bessa R2
35mm f1.7 Ultron
Iford Delta 400
Canon Canoscan 5000f
Massimo Dutti - Regent Street

Bessa R2
35mm f1.7 Ultron
Iford Delta 400
Canon Canoscan 5000f

Aquascutum - Regent Street

Bessa R2
35mm f1.7 Ultron
Iford Delta 400
Canon Canoscan 5000f

I like those, bit grainy though for delta 400...?

How do you feel about shooting in was it.. ?
apart from the street element, there are some great looking shops about, I liked this clothes shop in Leeds, forgot what it was called but it is proper old school art deco, I hung about in the doorway like a bad smell for yonks waiting for an opportunity, this is range finder territory for sure.

Mamiya 6
Delta 400 in Ilfosol 3

I like those, bit grainy though for delta 400...?

How do you feel about shooting in was it.. ?
apart from the street element, there are some great looking shops about, I liked this clothes shop in Leeds, forgot what it was called but it is proper old school art deco, I hung about in the doorway like a bad smell for yonks waiting for an opportunity, this is range finder territory for sure.

Mamiya 6
Delta 400 in Ilfosol 3

This is my first roll of Delta 400 - developed it at home so I may have done some wrong during the process(i followed this > Any advice on how to lessen the grain as I'm more used to using HP5+.

I don't mind shooting in shops.
This is my first roll of Delta 400 - developed it at home so I may have done some wrong during the process(i followed this > Any advice on how to lessen the grain as I'm more used to using HP5+.

I don't mind shooting in shops.

really, they both look a bit....covert...;)

I dunno about the grain, maybe there is a more sympathetic developer for finer grain.
I used the same recipe.
The difference in format size might have something to do with it, 35mm is smaller so its magnified more, and thus grain is magnified.
A 6x6 neg is 4 times bigger than 35mm
