weekly SimonB - 52 challenge (2021) Weeks 48 to 52 catch-up!

The architectural features are really interesting, but I do love the simplicity of your bridge shot. Really nice composition.

Ooh I see we've all said the same ha ha!!
Doors, The B&W is better
Architure, I Like the bridge, it's nice and simple and the colours make it stand out.


Both architecture ones nice - I prefer the bridge but both work nicely against the blue sky.

The bridge for me too a nice minimalist shot

Another vote for the bridge due to its simplicity. The cables work great to lead the eye into the shot.

Nice light on the church, but the bridge simplicity for me also :)

The architectural features are really interesting, but I do love the simplicity of your bridge shot. Really nice composition.

Ooh I see we've all said the same ha ha!!

How funny it is that everyone likes the picture of the bridge, thanks for all the comments everyone it is much appreciated. I'm very much inclined to agree that the bridge shot for it simplicity is the nicer picture. I did wrestle for a little while about which one to put up but I thought that the bridge was perhaps not "architectural" enough!

Around the same time I was aiming to capture a picture for architecture, I hoped that I would stumble across something for the red theme too. I think I managed it with these two red telephone boxes that you can apparently let (who knew?).

Again much like the previous theme I'm not sure which one is better. I like the crispness of the two telephone boxes on there own but the lady conveniently wearing a red coat walking by adds something extra to the picture. Its just a shame that she was walking so quickly that she is a bit blurred.

Sale or Rent
by Simon Brown

Who ya gonna call
by Simon Brown

Fab shot - No2 makes it a Street Photo rather than just two phone boxes :)
Hmm tricky to choose. I think I prefer the first. A good demo of how the two different focal lengths make the background quite different. Both work really well for the theme, particularly since the jacket is also red.

I think the wobbliness of the one box means this would also suit irregular - and it's quite irregular to have two telephone boxes for rent too!
Definitely the second one for me.

It's that extra element of chance that makes it.

I also don't mind the blurring of the woman. The fact that everything else is sharp (really sharp) counters it.

I also have one of those 18-135 lenses and it's way better than I thought it was. When I got mine it was part of a kit with the 600D that you also used.

I made the mistake of buying a Sigma 18-250 lens to replace it and the IQ dropped almost immediately. When I eventually sold the 600D, I sold it with the Sigma and kept the 18-135.
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Fab shot - No2 makes it a Street Photo rather than just two phone boxes :)
Thank you, that was my thinking too. Something a bit different.

Hmm tricky to choose. I think I prefer the first. A good demo of how the two different focal lengths make the background quite different. Both work really well for the theme, particularly since the jacket is also red.

I think the wobbliness of the one box means this would also suit irregular - and it's quite irregular to have two telephone boxes for rent too!
Thanks, I never thought about them being irregular! Silly of me. That’s the theme I’ve been struggling with.

I would go for #2 - the blur creates a sense of movement so I don't think it's a shame at all..
Thanks, looking at it again she could actually be moonwalking.

Definitely the second one for me.

It's that extra element of chance that makes it.

I also don't mind the blurring of the woman. The fact that everything else is sharp (really sharp) counters it.

I also have one of those 18-135 lenses and it's way better than I thought it was. When I got mine it was part of a kit with the 600D that you also used.

I made the mistake of buying a Sigma 18-250 lens to replace it and the IQ dropped almost immediately. When I eventually sold the 600D, I sold it with the Sigma and kept the 18-135.
Thanks for all the comments everyone, when I bought my camera many moons ago. It didn’t come with that lens as part of the kit. I believe it was a 18-55mm lens that came with it and I always found it fell short, for I what I wanted to use it for.

So finding that lens was a dream and I probably sold the other lens to pay for it.
The second one could do with more blur on the woman for me I think it would work, but both good anyway.
The second one could do with more blur on the woman for me I think it would work, but both good anyway.
Yeah you’re right, it would look better with extra blur. I did wonder if it was possible to add that effect afterwards in photoshop?

Thanks for your comments (y)
Irregular was a theme that I had a bit of a mental block with and it was while I was in work that I had some inspiration. These pictures were taken on my mobile phone so I wasn't expecting great things from it really. However I was pleased enough with the quality of the photos. I'll just quickly point out that the picture of the ECG is mine taken on my break and its not a patient!

I hope you like them, I'm just glad to get ever closer to catching up!

Dare to stand out by Simon Brown

Irregular Beat by Simon Brown

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What is that lower white line on the EKG (ECG) representing?
I recently went on a Harry Potter forbidden forest walk that's been set up over in Chester. I wasn't going to take my camera initially but I'm glad I did!

There was so much to take pictures of and the challenge of taking pictures in the dark without a tripod was good fun. Unfortunately not all my pictures came out quite as I had hoped but the ones that did I'm pleased with.

Out my two favourite pictures I opted for the car as I liked the spooky atmosphere that surrounds it. I took a few pictures to get it right and I found taking the picture lower down gave a better perspective.

by Simon Brown

I'm sorry to anyone that doesn't like spiders! This part of walk was especially dark and most of my pictures didn't turn out well here. The shutter speed was either too slow and suffered with camera shake or the ISO was too high that the picture was quite grainy. Still the wife hates this picture so its good enough for me!

by Simon Brown

There's something about the abandoned car shot that I really like. I think it's the way the headlights beam out of the black & blues. I love the use of negative space to the right of the frame too, but I'd have been tempted to get rid of the little sparks of orange in it, particularly the cluster further to the right. It doesn't spoil the image though.
I really like your chosen image - it has a great feel to it, and I was immediately reminded of Harry Potter.
The car image is the winner for me. Great use of the available light, gives it a lovely atmosphere, and the negative space works perfectly. really nicely done.
When I first saw the car picture I wondered where you'd got the car from and set it all up then I saw your explanation, I did think you might have gone a little far to buy a Ford Anglia then make it look like Harry Potter's but now I see. It is a very atmospheric picture, I like it.

Not keen on the spider pic but that's the spider rather than the picture o_O
As soon as I saw the ford anglia ( angular?) I thought Harry Potter.

TBH I prefer the spider, very atmospheric, its a tad grainy as you say, but it all adds up to make the image (y)
SPider for me too - I do like the car shot, but I knew straight away without looking at the text it was HP, made it slightly less spooky for me - had I not known it was from HP it might have been different, but that probably says more about me! :rolleyes:
There's something about the abandoned car shot that I really like. I think it's the way the headlights beam out of the black & blues. I love the use of negative space to the right of the frame too, but I'd have been tempted to get rid of the little sparks of orange in it, particularly the cluster further to the right. It doesn't spoil the image though.

I really like your chosen image - it has a great feel to it, and I was immediately reminded of Harry Potter.

I think I prefer the car overall as an image - just feels more atmospheric.

But considering the conditions there’s an impressive level of detail in the spider.

The car image is the winner for me. Great use of the available light, gives it a lovely atmosphere, and the negative space works perfectly. really nicely done.

When I first saw the car picture I wondered where you'd got the car from and set it all up then I saw your explanation, I did think you might have gone a little far to buy a Ford Anglia then make it look like Harry Potter's but now I see. It is a very atmospheric picture, I like it.

Not keen on the spider pic but that's the spider rather than the picture o_O

As soon as I saw the ford anglia ( angular?) I thought Harry Potter.

TBH I prefer the spider, very atmospheric, its a tad grainy as you say, but it all adds up to make the image (y)

SPider for me too - I do like the car shot, but I knew straight away without looking at the text it was HP, made it slightly less spooky for me - had I not known it was from HP it might have been different, but that probably says more about me! :rolleyes:

Both good and both fit the theme I prefer the car I think

Wow thanks for all the comments and helpful critique, it was a good night out and I think we were very lucky with the weather too. Glad to see how many recognised the Ford from Harry Potter too. :)
Very atmospheric stuff and reminded me of Gregory Crewdson's work.
The car for me too... but both excellent shots in difficult light.
This was bit of a punt this picture with the mobile phone. I really wished I had my camera with me but I did the best I could with the limitations of an old phone. It did require quite a bit tweaking in lightroom as the colours were completely wrong.

Any guesses for what the plane is?

by Simon Brown
Lovely shot and great colours …….Concorde?

Concorde at the Fleet Air Arm Museum at Yeovilton.

Nice picture by the way.

+1 for Concorde. Nice alternative view

Yep! its Concorde, it is located at the Concorde conference centre at Manchester airport. I attended a talk about the history of the plane which was fascinating it does feel like we have taken a step back in terms of aviation. Still I suppose there is less of a need for business people to attend meetings in person when video conferencing exists.

Thanks for the comments.
A heavy fog came in down my road the other and I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to try and capture an eerie picture. Quite good fun standing in the middle of the road to get this one! :oops: :$ A little bit of tweaking needed to adjust the colour of the streetlights was needed but I'm happy with how it came out.

Nights Drawing In
by Simon Brown