Small flies at buttercup and daisy flowers

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Melanostoma female garden 20200503.jpg
This is a female hoverfly of the genus Melanostoma, probably M. scalare because it has green halteres. The proper way to distinguish the two common species of this genus is to check the dusting on the frons (the area above the antennae and between the eyes), but none of the 3-4 shots I took show that feature. I am not certain that the green halteres are diagnostic of M. scalare, but it is ceratinly a feature shown by this species and the colour seems to get more intense as they mature. Some are almost pea green!

Platycheirus albimanus female garden 20200503.jpg
Another female hoverfly, this time Platycheirus albimanus. The grey spots on the abdomen are just about visible through the wings and that narrows it down to just a few species of this large genus. The yellow front femur confirms it is this species. Again it is very common.

In both these shots you can see that the probocis is extended and they are feeding and, in both cases, they are feeding on the stamens of the flower. These small Bacchines (members of the tribe Bacchini) tend to be pollen feeders and will readily visit flowers that don't produce nectar - like grasses, sedges and plantains.

Anthomyia pluvialis male garden 20200503.jpg
This rather smart beast is Anthomya pluvialis. There aren't many members of the Anthomyiidae you can do on sight, but this is one. This is a male and I think it is just using the flower as something pale to sit on - I haven't seen them (or at least the malses) feeding at flowers. They are happy to rest on anything pale - wood, stone, bits of plastic or paper rubbish. They are very abundant in my garden at the moment.

These are all all pretty small flies and the shots all were taken at 2:1 repro ratio.
Another excellent set of photos Stuart. ;)
Thanks/ Given that the lawn is covered in dandelions, daisies and buttercups at the moment, I am struck by how few insects there are on them! Quite a struggle to find a few things to photograph.