Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary (I think) on Buttercups

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Managed to venture a little further afield with the family taking advantage of the National Trust opening up the outdoor spaces of a few sites. I have to say they've done an excellent job with the arrangements for re-opening. I'm sure they'll disappoint a good few people with limiting numbers and duration of stay but they've clearly put a lot of thought into it.

Not seen a Fritillary of any sort before and had to look up what it was - still not 100% sure, but it looks the best match

Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary on Buttercups by Simon Lundbeck, on Flickr
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Lovely shot! Yes, that's a Small Pearl-bordered, as the chevrons at the rear edge of the hindwing are black. If it was Pearl-bordered they'd be red.
Lovely shot! Yes, that's a Small Pearl-bordered, as the chevrons at the rear edge of the hindwing are black. If it was Pearl-bordered they'd be red.

Thanks for the confirmation. That was the conclusion I'd drawn after a good look through the Butterfly Conservation site :)