Some flies in our garden


In Memoriam
Edit My Images
I captured these hand-held yesterday in our garden with a Raynox 150 and a Venus Optics KX800 twin flash on a Panasonic FZ330 small sensor bridge camera. (I didn't think I would be using the FZ330 this season because it had started producing images that were not as sharp as my older FZ200. But that was using natural light, and it seems to have done ok with these flash shots.)

The raw files were batch processed in DXO PhotoLab and then Silkypix, with image-specific adjustements in Lightroom, a round trip from Lightroom to Topaz DeNoise AI used in Auto mode and back to Lightroom, with JPEGs exported from Lightroom. There are 1300 pixel tall versions of these images in this album at Flickr, along with the rest of the 31 images from the 45 minutes session.


1623 27 2020_03_11 P1670675_PLab3 SP9-Edit LR 1300h
by gardenersassistant, on Flickr


1623 30 2020_03_11 P1670743_PLab3 SP9-Edit LR 1300h
by gardenersassistant, on Flickr


1623 31 2020_03_11 P1670747_PLab3 SP9-Edit LR 1300h
by gardenersassistant, on Flickr


1623 03 2020_03_11 P1670573_PLab3 SP9-Edit LR 1300h
by gardenersassistant, on Flickr


1623 02 2020_03_11 P1670569_PLab3 SP9-Edit LR 1300h
by gardenersassistant, on Flickr


1623 04 2020_03_11 P1670588_PLab3 SP9-Edit LR 1300h
by gardenersassistant, on Flickr


1623 05 2020_03_11 P1670596_PLab3 SP9-Edit LR 1300h
by gardenersassistant, on Flickr


1623 21 2020_03_11 P1670634_PLab3 SP9-Edit LR 1300h
by gardenersassistant, on Flickr

Continued in next post.
That's a lot of processing Nick, you have far more patience than me.
But each one, well worth the effort (y)
Very nice,


do you irecord the hoverflies?

No. I do have an iSpot account and for a while I recorded and asked for IDs there, but that was when I was making image sets available to the local WildLife Trust and they wanted IDs where possible. But they never used any of the photos as far as I know and I'm not in contact with them now. I think it is increasingly the same few, ordinary things over and over in our garden and at the nature reserves, and tbh I'm not much motivated regarding species ID.