Some fungi

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I was very please last year to be in the RHS, RPS photo comp with a panel, I gained a Silver Gilt medal, I am told I missed Gold by an image having a 'distraction' in its composition - the judge emphasised it was not a flaw ! Anyway, having 6 of my images framed and hanging in the Saatchi Gallery in London for a month was reward enough - I was looking forward to submitting for this years entry but for various reasons missed the boat - ah well there is always next year. My panel was fungi - it is so important to life on this planet and so often overlooked, the majority of people simply dont see it unless its in a plastic package to be cooked - ah well, one fun fact - What is the largest single organism on the planet? - its a fungi ! This was to be one of my panel for this year a Brown Rollrim, Paxillus involutus. Not one to munch unless you like being really ill :). Image created with a nod of the head to the dutch masters of painting from long ago. EDIT - no fungi were harmed in the taking of this image :)

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all I can say is wow!!! would be interested in seeing more of your work
Thanks A Dragon, I will post a few more later, Iam lucky that th earea I live in is excellent for this work, the habitat around me is awesome ( part of the reason we moved here ), mind you the french do like their fungi so its often a race to get to them for the image before they get to them for the pot !
Very nice and congratulations.
That’s really lovely. Well done!