Some Holiday Snaps (now with added 5x4)

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All shot on my Yashica electro 35 on Fuji Pro 160s. I'm a bit aggrieved as they seem to have lost buckets of sharpness in the upload process. This keeps happening and I dont understand why, it's never happened until recently :shrug:

I'll have some Large format stuff soon but my monitor has died now so I cant scan or do anything at home :(




I haven't got my scanning down yet, especially not for 35mm colour neg.

Ok, Large format stuff. No Colour yet, seems the £150 electricity bill is slightly more important than my £150 procesing bill!

Neist Point;



Something odd going on here, might be the polariser/orange filter fail.


Neist point again;


A church;



I see me :wave:

I got my LF stuff back from Peak yesterday, trying to get the scanning done. Managed to underexpose a few of the shots :razz: which means I can see the detail on a lightbox but cant scan it :bang:

I'm amazed at the massive resolution I'm getting as well, shots from the Quirang I can count the windows on the houses in the village way down on the left hand side.

I also managed to send them one sheet of CHS (damn you identical notch codes) and shoot one frame of Velvia the wrong way round so its is wonderfully red :clap:

Can't wait to see your LF stuff

Re scanning 35mm colour neg it can be a bit of a pain but I found 160S to be fairly ok. What scanner and software are you on?
How did the CHS come back from being processed reversal?

I have some shots from Scotland v1 that were underexposed by about half a stop and the scanner completely fails to get all the detail. I did download a copy of silverfast last night and it has a multiexposure/multiscan function that is supposed to help get the most out of difficult negs. Was going to try it tonight until my monitor died :(

havent even sent my slides off yet, just havent had time to sort it and I'm not looking forward to the £120 bill either lol.

I'm using a v700 and the epson software currently, but I dont think they have done a very good job of the dev as the colours are quite off and the images are grainy, even for 160s. I suspect temps off in the dev perhaps, maybe due to weather.

I have processed most of my mono stuff but couldnt finish the rest as I have had trouble getting the temps down low enough for the stand development.

Ah, the joys of film :)
looking forward to seeing your large format stuff!!

Hope you have got some really good/interesting stuff. Ill post a thread up shortly so that you guys can have a browse through some of my large format stuff from the last 6 months. Its been an adventure!
Awesome :D !!!! Really love the colours, and I bet having these on slide is an amazing feeling. Good stuff man.

I can't get silverfast to run at all. It's a right pain!
Got some of my large format work up in a thread in landscapes. Thought it might be of interest to you gandhi
Great images, I love the large format pictures.

Out of interest, how much does it cost to get a large format slide processed? And do you develop the black and white ones yourself?
Great images, I love the large format pictures.

Out of interest, how much does it cost to get a large format slide processed? And do you develop the black and white ones yourself?

Processing is generally £2.50 a slide with discounts for bulk, but the film cost is about £1.50 - £2.50 as well.

I reckon on £4-5 a shot average, but then you can shoot as little as 2 shots a day. I only shot 23 frames of colour on the 7 day trip to the Highlands, with a further 28ish in black & white, and Ghandi & Blapto thought I was shooting a lot :cautious:
I dunno, I managed to burn best part of 22 frames of slide. Only about 16 mono though.

And out of that?

3 mono shots I'm truly happy with and the colours still not dev'd yet!

I reckon with missed exposures, other cock-ups (forgetting which film is in, not putting the darkslide back in, pulling the wrong slide out and all the other potential woes) you can probably count the cost at about £20-25 per frame. About 1 good to 3 bad currently!